Emad is 3 years old today!
Today my "baby" turns 3 years old. He truly is one of the greatest blessings God has ever given me. Even in the worst of times I love him more than words can say. Looking back I can say there were times I never thought we would make it this far. For all the reading and preparing and what not you do to get ready to be a Mommy nothing can prepare you for it other than firsthand experience and it is rough. Kudos to all who have more than one...lol We tried for 3 years to have Emad so I definitely do not take this journey for granted. It is a bittersweet moment but I am thrilled to see what the years ahead have in store for us. I hop in now and then and post support when I can and hopefully within the coming year will be able to post of good news of another blessing altough as last time it is turning out to be a tedious process so we shall see what happens. We took Emad to Rainforest Cafe for his dinner yesterday and his party will be this weekend so looking forward to that as well. Thanks for all the support over the years! Here are some pics of Emad over the years. We have not gotten his formal 3 yr old portraits done yet but hopefully soon.
One Year Old...
Two Years Old:
Three Years and counting...
One Year Old...
Two Years Old:
Three Years and counting...
Isn't it amazing how much he's grown in three years? and how impossible it is to remember what life was like before becoming a mommy? What's the theme for this years party?
Insha'allah, it won't be much longer and you'll be on the way to having a brother/sister for Mr. Emad.
Happy birthday Emad!
Insha'allah, it won't be much longer and you'll be on the way to having a brother/sister for Mr. Emad.
Happy birthday Emad!
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
I truly cannot, it is like he has always been a part of out lives. This years them is Toy Story/Buzz Lightyear, went basic on the cake thanks to poor planning on my part and Chuck E Cheese for the party but should be fun. We took him to Rainforest Cafe for dinner yesterday and today me and him did lunch, train ride in the park, the Zoo, and then we had dinner (Couscous) and cake. :-)