Infertility meds
I didn't get pregnant on my own so they sent us for work up. I was fine and so was hubby. Due to my age (35) the OB and fertility doctor wanted to help speed things along. They did the dye tube test to ensure my tubes were not blocked after all other checks. Then, I did three rounds and got pregnant. Lost that baby at 10 weeks. Then, I took a month off. Did a 4th round and didn't get pregnant. Took the next month off due to travel. Got pregnant on my own and it was ectopic. I did the methotrexate and then waited for my next cycle. Had hte HSG to ensure my tubes were clear and was going to do the next round but got pregnant on my own and that brought me Aiden.
My fertility doctor ALWAYS uses progestrone once you ovulate until 12 dates post IUI. Then, you stop progestrone and bring on your period (if it hasn't already started).
I LOVED my fertility doctor. Just FYI, they go concervative at first to see how you respond. So, it was clomid first, then we moved on to clomid and injectables. My doctor wouldn't prescribe clomid without the monitoring for how many eggs and maturity and when to trigger to stop too many from releasing.
Good luck!