I'm in the hospital...
So I was in my birthing class which is on Tuesdays from 630-900, and they were talking about lightening....which had already happened to me (I'm 33 weeks). I had been feeling rectal pressure as well, so I asked my teacher about it. She said that was not normal and I should see if L&D wanted to see me. So I went down there and they made me drink a whole lot and said I had an irritable uterus and they would do a cervical exam just in case. Well they did and I was 4cm dilated and 75% effaced at -2 position, which kindof freaked me out. So they rushed me to a room and gave me a steroid shot and an IV and started monitoring baby and my contractions. My contractions got down to about 2 minutes apart and they decided to wait it out a little bit because they weren't all that painful (just slightly). This was about 2am at this point. Around lunchtime I had an ultrasound to measure baby and make sure she was ok. They rechecked my cervix and immediately put me on magnesium sulfate 320cc in 20 minutes, because I was already 7 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Needless to say magnesium sulfate is from hell and the worst thing on this planet, I was so sick I couldn't breathe or hear and was about to pass out. Longest 20 minutes ever. I'm on a slow drip of it until about midnight tonight where they will see how I'm doing and maybe move me over to the high risk unit hopefully having stopped my labor for at least 24-48 hours after the second shot of steroids I had about 7 hours ago. I'm hoping for the best, I'm ready for her to come if she's ready. Nothing I can really do. Has anyone ever experienced being that dilated and effaced before term? I can't really find anything on it..most just say "1-2cm dilated at 33 weeks" never 7cm...
I myself do not, but my friend had her twins at 27 weeks and they are just great! They did also spend a couple months in the NICU, but they are there for a reason! Good luck and thoughts and prayers going your way!
I was induced at 32 weeks with my daughter because the doctors thought I was leaking fluid, well I went from 1 1/2 centimeters to closing up, never had I heard of that before. So I know at that point (32w)I had a NICU doctor come in and explain to me that every day the baby stayed in there was great and if I could make it to 33 weeks, they would most likely have her in the NICU for a couple weeks at tops.
I was induced at 32 weeks with my daughter because the doctors thought I was leaking fluid, well I went from 1 1/2 centimeters to closing up, never had I heard of that before. So I know at that point (32w)I had a NICU doctor come in and explain to me that every day the baby stayed in there was great and if I could make it to 33 weeks, they would most likely have her in the NICU for a couple weeks at tops.
My first son was born at 33 weeks. They also were able to stop my labor for 4 days so the steroid shot could kick in. And I too was on the Mag, burns going in!!! I didn't so much feel the naseau that was supposed to come along with it, but the nurses did tell me if could be aweful, I guess I just lucked out with only have the constant burning sensation through my IV. Once the 48 hours were up and the steroid had sunk in for my little one, they took me off the drip and my labor started 12 hours later. It was a quick and easy delivery. I wish you an easy and uneventful labor as well!
Now I have had 3 preemie babies and the rule of thumb in my hospital is any baby under 36 weeks gestation or 5lbs is to stay in the NICU. I know all hospitals are different. Once my little guys came up over both those terms, we got to take them home.
Best of luck to you and your sweet baby!!!
Now I have had 3 preemie babies and the rule of thumb in my hospital is any baby under 36 weeks gestation or 5lbs is to stay in the NICU. I know all hospitals are different. Once my little guys came up over both those terms, we got to take them home.
Best of luck to you and your sweet baby!!!
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