1st Ultrasound and Now Worried!
I found out I was pregnant on 9-13. My beta was 60 on 9-15 and I was suppose to be 4 weeks. I had my 1st ultrasound on 10-8 and the baby only measured 5wks and 6 days. I was so disappointed. We did see the heartbeat, but it was slow. They are rechecking my beta, but I will not know until tomorrow what it is and they will repeat the ultrasound on 10-22. They said everything looked good, that they think I am just a lot earlier than originally thought. When I put the numbers to it, there seems to be no way I could be this early. I had my beta drawn at the hospital I work at and it came back 2212 on 10-9, but I now every lab can be different. I am just so worried that something is wrong. I haven't had any cramping or spotting. I actually haven't had any pregnancy symptoms. Has anyone else had this happen and everything be fine. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Karin
Damn those ultrasounds. For your own sake, stay away until you are at least 2 months or they will drive you crazy. All the Dr's and techs have varying opinions on what is "supposed" to be there. And a matter of a few days can show a lot more on an ultrasound. As long as your HCG levels are going up (did they do a prgesterone draw?) than don't worry.