Update on myself and the twins... pics as well
Today my boys are 5 months old... So amazing they truly are... :) Sidnie is cutting one of his bottom teeth already and is all over the place with rolling over. He just loves being on his belly... Cliffton is also getting his teeth but they havent broke the skin yet, and doesn't really care much for rolling over like his brother... They are so well behaved and snoozing at the moment... They love watching there big Sister Lola and she lives helping her mommy with her little brothers... Life is great over here... :)
Now I posted the other day that I might be pregnant and AF still hasn't paid me a visit nor do I think she is going to anytime soon, I am 4 days late... I am usually 31 days to the day... Got a neg. on a test but it's still early... So Sunday I plan to take another test... Mean while I have to call my OB so they can check my levels... My husband and I are happy either way... I know he really does want another girl as do I we just didn't plan on this happening this early...
So here are some pics of my big boys....
Sid in brown pants and Cliffy in green
haha Cliff in blue Sid in red
Lola and I
My Lola
Sid is holding Cliff's head while they sleep
Sid is all over the place when they sleep, Cliffy stays in one spot...
thanks for taking the time to read and look at pics