Doctor's appt...
I had my weekly appt including my weekly ultrasound, yesterday. Things are still holding steady : ) My cervix is measuring 2.5 cm & has been for 3 wks. Very reassuring that it's not shortening because it's very thin. My fluid is up to 13 which is great because it was down to 9. My uterus/fundal height is only measuring 26 wks. I am 31 wks. Dr thinks it's because she is SO low in my pelvis. Every time I go, the Ultrasound tech & Dr. comment about how they can't believe how far down her head is in the birth canal. They have to actually go around her head with the transvaginal probe to get to my cervix & measure cervical length. I want to say, "You're not telling me anything I don't know"...I feel like my cervix is gonna fall out from all the pressure !!! Kinsley is measuring about a week small. She weighs 3lbs 5oz. That is exactly what Lily weighed when she was born @ 31 wks. I am concerned because 3wks ago, she measured 2 days small. Last week, 5 days small. This week, a little over a week small. I asked about IUGR. Dr, said she wasn't concerned about that now that my fluid is up. She thinks it's due to my lack of weight gain. I'm still down 5 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I feel SO guilty. I try to eat at least every hour. Hopefully, I can fatten us both up a little this week : ) I never thought in my whole life anyone would tell me to gain weight !!!