Had ultrasound today for 30 weeks...
The doctor ordered an ultrasound for me because I was measuring about 9 days ahead in fundal height and she wanted to see if everything was good. Baby was so beautiful, she kept turning her chubby face towards us and sucking in amniotic fluid til she got the hiccups. The ultrasound tech laughed because she was hiccuping so hard it bumped the wand off my belly. They said she's measuring about 14 days ahead of schedule, and i dont really know what that means. Do I expect anything different? Will i go earlier than anticipated?
My children both measured ahead. My daughter was a week and my son 2 weeks, yet they were both born at 39 weeks. Some babies are just bigger than others. My son is measuring about a week and 3 days ahead according to the last ultrasound almost 3 weeks ago. They were thinking about changing my due date, but sense my doctor did an ultrasound at 7 weeks and it was just about right on for date, they were not going to change it. All doctors are different, and unless they change the due date and you are planning a c-section or induction, your baby will come when your baby comes. Sorry, I know at 30 weeks you are in that "zone" of "done being pregnant".