4 month baby belly!
I am feeling much better these days ever since I hit second trimester I am not feeling so sick as much. I still get sick if I eat to fast when Im super hungry!! Its like I cannot get the food down me fast enough LOL. So now its an issue with me eating to fast or either that the baby does not like what I am having. Not sure if its cause Im eating to fast or morning sickness still after I eat something that does not agree with me. I noticed that I am eating faster now. I have been doing better I am slowing down how I eat now and so far I have not got sick again. I still weight the same even having my belly starting to show! Im super excited.
Glad to hear you've been feeling much better! I think starting my 2nd trimester has been a little tougher on me. I'm having more bouts of nauseau and sometimes almost severe indigestion. UGH! And the gas...oh the gas is horrific I swear it! I feel like I'm definitely not eating enough and I try, but I'm hardly ever hungry, hungry. I do know what you mean though about getting it down fast enough! I will find something I really want and it seems like before I even take my first bite it's gone. I have to remind myself to slow down cause I get especially bloated after I do that. Hopefully you continue to feel good and have an easy rest of your pregnancy! Hang in there girl! Hugs!