Henia while Pregnant????
I have been having this huge bulge above my belly button to the bottom of my ribs. I only see it when in a lying postion to sit up, or get off the couch.
I had the Gastric Bypass April 2008.
I am currently 27 weeks.
I went to the ER, they brought me to L&D, they hooked me to monitors, said baby looked good, so they discharged me and said I could go downstairs to the Regular ER....
I was like since it didn't hurt why bother....
Did anyone else have this issue?
If it is a Hernia, what is that like, it looks like the pictures on google for Umbilical hernia.
I had the Gastric Bypass April 2008.
I am currently 27 weeks.
I went to the ER, they brought me to L&D, they hooked me to monitors, said baby looked good, so they discharged me and said I could go downstairs to the Regular ER....
I was like since it didn't hurt why bother....
Did anyone else have this issue?
If it is a Hernia, what is that like, it looks like the pictures on google for Umbilical hernia.
I have two hernias my surgeon discovered. They are not as a result of my pregnancy, but can not be repaired until after the baby comes. She is due September 6th and he found them about 5 months ago.
One is around my belly button and the other is lower in my pelvis. They do occassionally hurt, but nothing terrible. The OB said that neither should impeded a normal delivery.....either vaginal or C-section.
Hope this helps
One is around my belly button and the other is lower in my pelvis. They do occassionally hurt, but nothing terrible. The OB said that neither should impeded a normal delivery.....either vaginal or C-section.
Hope this helps