My Birth Story
Sorry it took so long but boy now I understand why you all can't post your birth stories right after birth! This is long - SORRY!
I checked into the hospital on Monday 8/9 at 5:30pm to start cervidel. They placed it in by 6:30. They started IV fluids and ran them all night. I had been having contractions since Thursday so I didn't sleep much at all. They saw the the contractions on the monitor and said wow, I can't believe you have been contracting steadily since Thursday. I was still a 2cm.
Tuesday morning they pulled out the cervidel at 4:30am. They started the pitocin at 5:30am. They increased the dosage every 20 minutes. I saw the doctor probably two times that morning. she came in at 9am and broke my water. No lie I soaked her and it still continued coming. She said she was floored at how much fluid was there. I had steady contractions like I had been and then they started to get even more intense. The nurses kept coming in and saying do you feel these...DUH YES I FEEL THOSE! They said don't you want something yet. I said no I trying to hold out until I really need it.
About 12:30pm I decided it was time for the epidural. I was so extremely uncomfortable. My contractions were a minute apart. They came and put in the epidural and catheter. About 30 minutes after the edpidural and I had the "itchies". I swear there were bugs crawling over my head, face, arms and shoulders. My husband was holding down one arm and my best friend was holding down the other. I swore I was going to dig my skin off. They wouldn't let me touch any of it. Anethesiology came in and gave me something and I was in la la land. They said I had a severe reaction.
We went on until 5:30pm when the doctor came in and said I had been having steady hard contractions all day. I was still only a 3cm. She said we could continue but I was already on such a high dose of pitocin and after going at it for so many days she just didn't think I was going to progress for some reason. So, everything went by so fast. By 6:30pm we were in the OR getting prepped. They started the procedure and Aiden was born at 6:54pm on 8/10/10. He weighted 6 pounds 11 ouces and was 20 inches long. They gave him to hubby and he held them for the 30 minutes there were still working on me.
We got back to the room and they wanted me to breastfeed immediately. I did and he latched right on and did well. Then, we asked all teh family to come in and we shared the name. Aiden means "Little Firey One" in Irish (hubby is Irish). We wanted a R middle name since my hubby middle name starts with an R. So, we choose Robert (my Dad's first name and my brother's middle name). Then, all the family quicklly left (they had been there all day). We got to my post partum room at midnight. I was EXHAUSTED.
Tuesday night I didn't sleep (that makes the 2nd night in a row of zero sleep). Aiden was a great baby. He struggled with breastfeeding. He would do well and then when he had his circumcision he went into sleepy mode and he did a little bit here and there. They said it was fine. He had a blocked tear duct and jaundice. Friday they were talking about keeping him to do photo therapy. But, his number came back enough the doctor let us go. We were discharged at 6:30pm on Friday. He weighted 6 pounds 1 ouce at birth (lost 10 ounces). Saturday we had to go back to the hospital for his weight check and billirubin check to see if the jaundice was better (part of our ability to get discharged). They said he gained 1 ounce and his number was better.
We had to put him on formula on Friday night at home. He wouldn't eat for 5 hours and the doctor said he couldn't miss one feeding due to his jaundice. So, hubby has been feeding him a bottle and I have a hospital grade dual pump I rented for a week to see if I can get my milk in. The lactation consultant I saw on Saturday said my milk wasn't in because it was my first baby, he was early, and my body didn't go into labor naturally. So, we are pumping to see if we can get the milk in. I now only have a few drops of collostrum.
Aiden went to the pedi today and the jaudice is about 80% gone. She said he looks great. He gained 3 oz so he is now 6 pounds 5 ounces.
Our baby is sweet. He has the longest legs, biggest feet and hands! He has light blond hair and is a great baby as long as you don't mess with him. He hates to get undressed!
I am sore and trying to hang in there. My legs are SO SO SO swollen. I mean like rediculous legs and feet. The doctor said it due to all the fluid they pumped in me. I swear all of it is my body! I am misreable. I am drinking all my fluid and praying it gets better!
So - there is a long birth story with more facts than you probably even wanted to know!
I checked into the hospital on Monday 8/9 at 5:30pm to start cervidel. They placed it in by 6:30. They started IV fluids and ran them all night. I had been having contractions since Thursday so I didn't sleep much at all. They saw the the contractions on the monitor and said wow, I can't believe you have been contracting steadily since Thursday. I was still a 2cm.
Tuesday morning they pulled out the cervidel at 4:30am. They started the pitocin at 5:30am. They increased the dosage every 20 minutes. I saw the doctor probably two times that morning. she came in at 9am and broke my water. No lie I soaked her and it still continued coming. She said she was floored at how much fluid was there. I had steady contractions like I had been and then they started to get even more intense. The nurses kept coming in and saying do you feel these...DUH YES I FEEL THOSE! They said don't you want something yet. I said no I trying to hold out until I really need it.
About 12:30pm I decided it was time for the epidural. I was so extremely uncomfortable. My contractions were a minute apart. They came and put in the epidural and catheter. About 30 minutes after the edpidural and I had the "itchies". I swear there were bugs crawling over my head, face, arms and shoulders. My husband was holding down one arm and my best friend was holding down the other. I swore I was going to dig my skin off. They wouldn't let me touch any of it. Anethesiology came in and gave me something and I was in la la land. They said I had a severe reaction.
We went on until 5:30pm when the doctor came in and said I had been having steady hard contractions all day. I was still only a 3cm. She said we could continue but I was already on such a high dose of pitocin and after going at it for so many days she just didn't think I was going to progress for some reason. So, everything went by so fast. By 6:30pm we were in the OR getting prepped. They started the procedure and Aiden was born at 6:54pm on 8/10/10. He weighted 6 pounds 11 ouces and was 20 inches long. They gave him to hubby and he held them for the 30 minutes there were still working on me.
We got back to the room and they wanted me to breastfeed immediately. I did and he latched right on and did well. Then, we asked all teh family to come in and we shared the name. Aiden means "Little Firey One" in Irish (hubby is Irish). We wanted a R middle name since my hubby middle name starts with an R. So, we choose Robert (my Dad's first name and my brother's middle name). Then, all the family quicklly left (they had been there all day). We got to my post partum room at midnight. I was EXHAUSTED.
Tuesday night I didn't sleep (that makes the 2nd night in a row of zero sleep). Aiden was a great baby. He struggled with breastfeeding. He would do well and then when he had his circumcision he went into sleepy mode and he did a little bit here and there. They said it was fine. He had a blocked tear duct and jaundice. Friday they were talking about keeping him to do photo therapy. But, his number came back enough the doctor let us go. We were discharged at 6:30pm on Friday. He weighted 6 pounds 1 ouce at birth (lost 10 ounces). Saturday we had to go back to the hospital for his weight check and billirubin check to see if the jaundice was better (part of our ability to get discharged). They said he gained 1 ounce and his number was better.
We had to put him on formula on Friday night at home. He wouldn't eat for 5 hours and the doctor said he couldn't miss one feeding due to his jaundice. So, hubby has been feeding him a bottle and I have a hospital grade dual pump I rented for a week to see if I can get my milk in. The lactation consultant I saw on Saturday said my milk wasn't in because it was my first baby, he was early, and my body didn't go into labor naturally. So, we are pumping to see if we can get the milk in. I now only have a few drops of collostrum.
Aiden went to the pedi today and the jaudice is about 80% gone. She said he looks great. He gained 3 oz so he is now 6 pounds 5 ounces.
Our baby is sweet. He has the longest legs, biggest feet and hands! He has light blond hair and is a great baby as long as you don't mess with him. He hates to get undressed!
I am sore and trying to hang in there. My legs are SO SO SO swollen. I mean like rediculous legs and feet. The doctor said it due to all the fluid they pumped in me. I swear all of it is my body! I am misreable. I am drinking all my fluid and praying it gets better!
So - there is a long birth story with more facts than you probably even wanted to know!
It is interesting that you weren't dilating, I had the same thing happen and they finally realized that it was because in the past I had a cryo procedure on my cervix as well as a loop excision and the scar tissue wasn't letting me dilate. Have you ever had a cervical procedures?
It is interesting that you weren't dilating, I had the same thing happen and they finally realized that it was because in the past I had a cryo procedure on my cervix as well as a loop excision and the scar tissue wasn't letting me dilate. Have you ever had a cervical procedures?
Banded 03/22/06 276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)
Sleeved 07/11/2013 228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)
Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.
Congratulations to you and welcome, Aiden! I know things didn't go the way you planned, but you brought a healthy, happy, thriving boy into the world, and that's what matters! Yea for you! Hang in there with the breast feeding, and if I might just suggest trying to get him to suckle as much as you can and he can ... that can help. Again, congratulations to you all!