I had PUPPPS with my first pregnancy & it was miserable !!! I had it on my belly, lower legs, and feet. I used Benadryl spray like crazy cause it covered a large area quicker than rubbing the cream everywhere. Also, some numbing sprays like Solarcaine (used for sunburns) help to numb the itch. Nothing makes it go away, but at least you can get a little relief. I'm sorry you are itchy. Hope you get some relief : )
I had Puppps also, my new baby is 3 months old. I had never itched so bad!! I found the remedy. I kicked pupps but in 48 hours!! itching and rash were both gone. Its called grand pas pine tar soap. Sure it smells awfull but it works. it comes in a bar and i found it at a holistic health and beauty shop where i live. good luck!
and oh yeah i had a little girl!