Ugh just my luck!
Well, I have been anxiously awaiting my next OB appointment, which happens to be tomorrow at 10:40. I'm having my first ultrasound and will hopefully find out how far along I am and maybe get a possible due date??!! However, I woke up Saturday morning to a little bit of an aching feeling down there. I knew exactly what was rearing it's ugly head and sure enough it did. I've got a mild case, but none the less I have a good olde yeast infection!!! UGH! I swear my body chemistry is allergic to my husband's!!
Called the dr's office and found out tomorrow is an intravaginal ultrasound..double UGH! They said it won't affect the ultrasound and it's not a problem, but now I'm extremely nervous that it's going to not be a very uncomfortable experience. I'm using the over the counter external cream (as I don't have any discharge cus like I said its a mild case...THANK GOD!) and drinking tons of water and cranberry juice and gettin in some yogurt every day, but I'm still extremely nervous.
Any other helpful hints on how to flush this infection out or any words of assurance that tomorrow wont be bad would be greatly appreciated. I'm anxious...partly because I still havent believe the whole "you're pregnant" thing yet and was sure tomorrow was going to give me that wake up call. But now I think I'm sick too my stomach with worry and stress :(
Ugh just my luck!!! GRRRR~~
Called the dr's office and found out tomorrow is an intravaginal ultrasound..double UGH! They said it won't affect the ultrasound and it's not a problem, but now I'm extremely nervous that it's going to not be a very uncomfortable experience. I'm using the over the counter external cream (as I don't have any discharge cus like I said its a mild case...THANK GOD!) and drinking tons of water and cranberry juice and gettin in some yogurt every day, but I'm still extremely nervous.
Any other helpful hints on how to flush this infection out or any words of assurance that tomorrow wont be bad would be greatly appreciated. I'm anxious...partly because I still havent believe the whole "you're pregnant" thing yet and was sure tomorrow was going to give me that wake up call. But now I think I'm sick too my stomach with worry and stress :(
Ugh just my luck!!! GRRRR~~
Creams like monistat are fine when you are pregnant- I had a lot of infections with my first pregnancy. My Dr. also gave me one to use too, because it was really bad. But with my 2nd pregnancy I used Monistat and was fine- I never had discomfort with the ultrasound part because of it though. Maybe wait until after your appointment to start. I wouldn't do yogurt without asking your Dr, since you are pregnant. Home remedies are not always safe during pregnancy. Good luck.
Thanks girls! I'm not going to try any home treatments or over the counters just yet because the dr's office said just to hold off until my appointment tomorrow and talk to the dr about it. Also, I know those over the counters tend to bring out the worst part within a day or two and with it being so mild I don't wanna make it any worse than it already is!
Hooray for yogurt! The reason that works is because of the live acidophiles cultures in the yogurt. You can get powdered acidophiles or pills at your local health food store, and they can really help get your flora back to normal. Of course, check with your doctor to make sure that's okay, too! :-) Feel better!