30 week pregnant....
I am due Oct.13th and haven't been pregnant in 12 yrs. I am 31 and with my first son is how i put on a lot of my weight but the pregnancy was a breeze. This time around I am really tired and as soon as I hit my last trimester I am having dumping really bad and have been to labor and delivery for pre-term labor. I feel like you....... can I make it and am getting to the piont of thinking that him comming early may not be so bad. I really don't want him born early unless it will be in his best intrest. I just don't know how much more dumping and horable stabing gas pains i can take. Now i know why they tell you to wait 18 mos. I was only 6 mos. post op and had just made my goal weight. I don't think my body was ready. The bigger he gets the more issues I have eating and stomache pain.