Just an update
Well I've been home for 3 months now after having my son at 28 weeks and spending 5 months in the hospital getting my guts rearranged again and again. It should have been a straightforward fix but the doctors got so hung up on my pregnancy they wouldn't consider a digestive cause until I was necrotic and going into premature labor. I wen't through way to much to describe here but just want to encourage you all to pay close attention to your systems and know that pain can be misleading. I never had any stomach pain, it was always in my lower back. As a result I almost died along with my son. Thank God neither of us did. We are all home at last and finally becoming a real family. My son has grown so big you'd never know he was a premie! He went from 3 pounds to 24 in 8 months. I love him so much and am so grateful. He was worth all of it. I eventually had my RNY reversed but lost so much bowel that I will always have problems maintaining a good weight. But at least the g-tube is out and I feel like a real human being again.
"Thank God for your trials as much as for your blessings; without the salt of tears you cannot truly appreciate the sweetness of joy."
-Written after the best and worst year of my life.
-Written after the best and worst year of my life.