Let's Talk Poo
Sorry to bring up the yucky topic. I had my appts today. I am dialted to a 1cm. While doing the check she said I was full of poo. She said my assignment is to get it going and out by my induction or c-section on Tuesday.
The baby was great except the stinker went back breech this week. They said he is one active baby. I will have an ob appt on Monday to check cervix again (to see if cervidel is needed) and a quick ultrasound to check position. Tuesdsy I will be induced or have a v-section.
The baby was great except the stinker went back breech this week. They said he is one active baby. I will have an ob appt on Monday to check cervix again (to see if cervidel is needed) and a quick ultrasound to check position. Tuesdsy I will be induced or have a v-section.
I have been constipated for the past eight weeks since being put on the extra iron. Colace didn't work. Stool softners in the hospital last week didn't do a thing. Drinking water and eating fiber haven't helped either. So, the doctor decided I have to drink magnesium citrate to clean out. I feel like it will like cleaning out for my WLS!
lol to talking poo! I thought I'd done a good job cleaning myself out before delivery but I didn't do that great a job as my sister excitedly proclaimed as I was pushing "OMG she's poopin' herself"...!!!! The nurse had it gone before I even realized it happened...
I hope your wee man goes back to being head down! Best of luck and eat lots of fiber and water now!
Wow Tracy! I can't believe how close you are. You must be so excited!
I get the whole poo thing. Ugh! It really sucks. I really liked the Dulcolax suppositories better than enemas. It hurt my tummy a lot less.
I get the whole poo thing. Ugh! It really sucks. I really liked the Dulcolax suppositories better than enemas. It hurt my tummy a lot less.
Mommy to 2 of the most beauiful little girls in the whole universe and still in love with my hubby of 8 years. LIFE IS GOOD!
lol ... you poor thing. I wouldn't worry too much. It sounds like you are doing all you can to cleanse ... I was talking to a L& D nurse about this issue before I had Lydia, and she said, "Oh, dear, don't worry! We L&D nurses clean up your truffles before you ever see them, and we will never tell you about them!" Good luck! :-)
I had terrible constipation in the beginning and the ONLY thing that worked was an enema. It really isn't that bad and you feel a heck of a lot better once your cleaned out. Milk of Mag makes me really sick to my stomach so the enema was the best solution for me.
Pre-Op wt : 210 (Nov 08)
Lowest Post-op wt: 145 (Jul 12)
Removal wt: 185 (Feb 19)
totally off topic and i dont know if you remember me or not but i just wanted to say i am so happy for you!! congrats and continuing to pray for your healthy baby boy!!! you were so nice to me while i went through my loss and so welcoming when i first came to this board. just wanted to thank you again and say hello!