More Milk Plus & milk production issues
I think I have mentioned this before so as I'm sure you know my milk supply has plummeted over the past month or so from 15 oz to 8oz throughout my work day. I spoke to a LC and she suggested I start taking a supplement called More Milk Plus from It is $30 (after shipping) for a bottle of 60 pills. When I ordered it I thought that was pretty reasonable. Well I just got the bottle in the mail yesterday and come to find out I have to take 2 pills 3x day = 6 pills a day! That means this bottle will only last me 10 lousy days! I'm sorry but I seriously cannot afford $90/mo for these pills!! I could barely afford $30/2mo for the pills but I was going to figure it out because we sure can't afford formula full time! I was just wondering if my milk supply does benefit from these supplements after 10 days do I have to keep taking them to continue getting more milk?? (I plan on pumping for 15mins after every feeding and once during the night also.)
My other question is this - I just took them for the first time 2 hrs ago and all of the sudden I got light headed and started see spots! It felt like I was pregnant all over again. I had to lye down and breathe to get my blood pressure back in check. It really sucked!! Do any of you know if this is a side effect of the pills? Here is what is in the pills - fenugreek seed, blessed thistle, nettle, & fennel seed. Oh and do you think if i decided to buy these supplements separately it would end up being cheaper?
Thanks for your help ladies!
EX- I wanted to try and "clean" my liver out before TTC and all the liver cleasing kits and bottles were about $30+. The main ingredint in all of them was milk thistle, so I went to walmart and got a whole big bottle of that for $7.00.
The fenugreek will make you smell like maple syrup, just FYI.
Both of those can be purchased rather cheaply at Whole Foods or even WalMart for a fraction of the price you're spending on the other pills.