FRIDAY TTC POST (who is makin a baby?)
Cathie, Sherry-Lynn and Lisa...congrats on your bfp's!! So happy for you guys. Hoping you have happy and healthy pregnancies!
I think I got to do personals for everyone that posted last week. I also think the list is updated, but if I missed something or you want something changed let me know.
How are you girls this week? I thought I would ask you girls to give some support to each other. What types of things do you do in the 2ww to make it easier for you to cope with the anxiety of the wait?
ak_lisa ~ TTC 7yrs, on BC (for next 9mths), PCOS
Aleta ~ TTC #1 since 6/08
Amanda G ~ TTC #1 since 4/09 with 3 MC + uterine septum
Amber R ~ TTC #1 since 12/09
Angie ~ TTC #1 5/08. PCOS and on metformin.
Anita C ~ TTC #1 since 04/08
Barb ~ TTC #1 since 10/09
Caley ~ TTC
DunnyBoctor ~ TTC since 11/08
Eleni ~ TTC #1 since 6/10
Erika E ~ TTC #1 since 5/09 with PCOS
Holly ~ TTC since 12/07 with losses'
Jennifer ~ TTC #2 since 3/09 currently on Femara
Jersey ~ TTC using ivf /icsi/cgh
Jessica K ~ TTC #2 since 3/10
Julia ~ TTC #1 Since 3/09 with PCOS currently on Metformin and Clomid
Kelly ~ TTC
Kim ~ TTC #1 for 5 years, currently on Clomid
Kim ~ TTC #1 since 2/10
Kristen ~ TTC #1 since 4/10
Leslie ~ TTC #1 since 4/10
Lisa B ~ TTC #2
Malena ~ TTC #2 since 4/09
Manda ~ TTC #1
Mandy ~ TTC since 3/10
Mamasanny29 ~ TTC #3
Mickey ~ TTC #1 since 7/05 with unexplained fertility-on a break from 9/0-6/09.
Nikki ~ TTC #1 since 5/15/10
Pam P ~ TTC #1 since 3/09
Renae ~ TTC again since 9/09
Robyn ~ TTC #1 since 12/09
Samara ~ TTC #2 (assisted with meds)
Sandy~ TTC #3 (#1 for hubby) since 1/06 after mc with PCOS.
Shana ~ TTC #1 since August '09. First round of Clomid January 2010.
Shannon1 ~ TTC #1 since 4/07-starting clomid/iui on 1/09, on to injectables/iui in 08/09.
Shannyn B ~ TTC #4 since 2/10
T ~ TTC #1 since 2002
Tami ~ TTC #2
Some common terms:
TTC - trying to conceive
BFP - big fat positive (positive pregnancy test)
BFN - big fat negative (negative pregnancy test)
CD - the day of your menstrual cycle
O - ovulation
DPO - days past ovulation
LP - luteal phase (time from ovulation to period)
AF - aunt flow ( your period)
PG - pregnant/pregnancy
MC - misscarriage
RE - reproductive endocrinologist
OPK - ovulation prediction kit
CL - coverline ( for those taking their temps to confirm ovulation)
Met - metformin or glucophage ( a diabetes medication sometimes taken to help hormone levels and ovulation)
BD - baby dancing ( having timed intercourse)
DTD - doing the deed
IUI - inter uterine insemination
IVF - in vitro fertilization
PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome
POAS - pee on a stick (taking a pregnancy test)
2WW - two week wait...time from ovulation until you can test for pg
I think I got to do personals for everyone that posted last week. I also think the list is updated, but if I missed something or you want something changed let me know.
How are you girls this week? I thought I would ask you girls to give some support to each other. What types of things do you do in the 2ww to make it easier for you to cope with the anxiety of the wait?
ak_lisa ~ TTC 7yrs, on BC (for next 9mths), PCOS
Aleta ~ TTC #1 since 6/08
Amanda G ~ TTC #1 since 4/09 with 3 MC + uterine septum
Amber R ~ TTC #1 since 12/09
Angie ~ TTC #1 5/08. PCOS and on metformin.
Anita C ~ TTC #1 since 04/08
Barb ~ TTC #1 since 10/09
Caley ~ TTC
DunnyBoctor ~ TTC since 11/08
Eleni ~ TTC #1 since 6/10
Erika E ~ TTC #1 since 5/09 with PCOS
Holly ~ TTC since 12/07 with losses'
Jennifer ~ TTC #2 since 3/09 currently on Femara
Jersey ~ TTC using ivf /icsi/cgh
Jessica K ~ TTC #2 since 3/10
Julia ~ TTC #1 Since 3/09 with PCOS currently on Metformin and Clomid
Kelly ~ TTC
Kim ~ TTC #1 for 5 years, currently on Clomid
Kim ~ TTC #1 since 2/10
Kristen ~ TTC #1 since 4/10
Leslie ~ TTC #1 since 4/10
Lisa B ~ TTC #2
Malena ~ TTC #2 since 4/09
Manda ~ TTC #1
Mandy ~ TTC since 3/10
Mamasanny29 ~ TTC #3
Mickey ~ TTC #1 since 7/05 with unexplained fertility-on a break from 9/0-6/09.
Nikki ~ TTC #1 since 5/15/10
Pam P ~ TTC #1 since 3/09
Renae ~ TTC again since 9/09
Robyn ~ TTC #1 since 12/09
Samara ~ TTC #2 (assisted with meds)
Sandy~ TTC #3 (#1 for hubby) since 1/06 after mc with PCOS.
Shana ~ TTC #1 since August '09. First round of Clomid January 2010.
Shannon1 ~ TTC #1 since 4/07-starting clomid/iui on 1/09, on to injectables/iui in 08/09.
Shannyn B ~ TTC #4 since 2/10
T ~ TTC #1 since 2002
Tami ~ TTC #2
Some common terms:
TTC - trying to conceive
BFP - big fat positive (positive pregnancy test)
BFN - big fat negative (negative pregnancy test)
CD - the day of your menstrual cycle
O - ovulation
DPO - days past ovulation
LP - luteal phase (time from ovulation to period)
AF - aunt flow ( your period)
PG - pregnant/pregnancy
MC - misscarriage
RE - reproductive endocrinologist
OPK - ovulation prediction kit
CL - coverline ( for those taking their temps to confirm ovulation)
Met - metformin or glucophage ( a diabetes medication sometimes taken to help hormone levels and ovulation)
BD - baby dancing ( having timed intercourse)
DTD - doing the deed
IUI - inter uterine insemination
IVF - in vitro fertilization
PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome
POAS - pee on a stick (taking a pregnancy test)
2WW - two week wait...time from ovulation until you can test for pg
I did have a revision in April. But since my weight has been at goal since then, my labs are good, and I'm not in ketosis, my surgeon did give me the go-ahead. Honestly, he did want me to wait 6 months. But given my husbands age and the fact that we have ttc a few years ago with no luck, I am not expecting any positive results too soon.
(deactivated member)
on 7/23/10 7:26 am
on 7/23/10 7:26 am
im 4 days late as far as my cycles have been going but 2 pg test both neg so who knows! ive been having period symptoms for a week and a half im kinda nervous thinking that i didnt even ovulate this month cause i didnt get the positive from the opk's- my doc says i dont have the pcos so im totally confused on whats happening :(
(deactivated member)
on 7/24/10 6:54 am
on 7/24/10 6:54 am
no i havent been able to track we had family in town and we went out of town and it just wasnt possible... and on tueday im leaving town for 2 weeks to go home and visit my family so no baby dancing will be taking place... im just concerned that somethings wrong :(