40 weeks today... and still no baby!
Today marks the beginning of week 40 for Wee Man and I.. and there are NO signs he's even remotely interested in making his entrance!
I think I need to find the Labour and Contraction Fairy and give her a piece of my mind today LOLOL Last night I dreamt that I saw the baby in my stomach and he was super cute and had a lot of hair.. he was just swimming around in there, albeit in limited space, and looked perfectly content. How weird is that?!
Maybe tonight's new moon will prompt something to happen.. I've often thought that the whole moon thing bringing out babies and crazies to hospitals was a myth, but a few friends who work in the medical field seem to think there is some truth to it.. In any case, it's 9:00 now and I'm going to start on my long list of "to do's" in the hopes that I get through it all AND have juice left over in case this baby decides he'd like to come out!
Wish me luck!
Thanks ladies! Mom was expecting me on December 24th and I was born January 24, so this doesn't bode well except that nowadays they don't let you go that long beyond your due date LOL
I see the OB again on Tuesday - hopefully I'll have delivered by then - I noticed earlier that mucus plug is starting to separate so that's a good sign... My regular OB is on holidays this coming week and he'd said before he left that if I hadn't had him by the time he was back from vacay that he'd induce me on the 21st of July... hopefully we won't need to wait that long - I fear if we go that far I'll be having a 9-10 pounder!
I'm keeping busy cleaning - I just did our upstairs toiletry-towel closet and realized that I am addicted to moisturizers and the hubby is a soap and body spray **** LOL
Good Luck!
PS - do you have an exercise ball? I was sitting on mine constantly