How much is your lil one eating
Yea, I have to agree with tripmom that this seems like next to nothing. Both of my twins are 6 weeks old and each one drinks more than that and poops at least once a day. I can't believe that going 7 days is normal? I might make an appt with a different pediatrician, perhaps one that a friend or family member could recommend, because it does sound like some outrageous advice. Water is dangerous at this age! I know that babies can get constipated. My Dr. suggests a small drop of Karo syrup in their bottle if they seem to be straining or off schedule. I haven't had to yet with the twins, but it worked like a charm with my daughter. Of course, I am not a pediatrician, but if something is telling you that this isn't enough, and I am assuming it is since you posted, then I would find another opinion from another Dr. Good luck.
Wow, that doesn't seem like she's eating much. My daughter is about 7 1/2 lbs right now and she is eating every 2-3 hours and taking 2-4 oz of formula after I breastfeed her for about 10 minutes. It is hard for me to keep her awake when feeding her too. Even taking her clothes off so she's cooler doesn't help. I just try to rub her arms and stuff when feeding and with burping and changing and everything, one complete feeding takes around 45 minutes. As far as the water thing goes, I was told not to give a small baby water unless there was extreme heat and she got overheated and then only under the doctors guidance. My daughter poops only every couple days and it concerned me too, they said if she doesn't poop after 3 days then she needs to be seen and something needs to be done. They told me that if she poops and it's solid then she is probably constipated and would need something to help that but if when she poops it's more runny like baby poop is supposed to be then she's fine and that is just her system of pooping less often. Hope that helps and you get some good info from your doc.
I have never given any of my children water at that early age. Infants do not need plain water. I have always been told no plain water until at least 6 months of age. Here is an article regarding water consumption and infants. Hope this helps.
Oh, and as far as eating enough... Londyn just turned 6 wks old on Weds, and she is eating anywhere from 2-4 oz at a feeding. Sometimes she will eat 2 oz, and finish the other 2 in about an hour. Sometimes she will only eat 3 oz. I definitely think she should be eating more by now. As far as poopy diapers.. I would think she should poop every other day at the very least. Although, poop can vary with all infants. Londyn poops 1-2 times per day.... some days a little more. You should be getting at least 6-7 pee diapers (decently wet) a day. The wet ones are the ones you should be concerned about since poop can be so varied.
Oh, and as far as eating enough... Londyn just turned 6 wks old on Weds, and she is eating anywhere from 2-4 oz at a feeding. Sometimes she will eat 2 oz, and finish the other 2 in about an hour. Sometimes she will only eat 3 oz. I definitely think she should be eating more by now. As far as poopy diapers.. I would think she should poop every other day at the very least. Although, poop can vary with all infants. Londyn poops 1-2 times per day.... some days a little more. You should be getting at least 6-7 pee diapers (decently wet) a day. The wet ones are the ones you should be concerned about since poop can be so varied.
Thanks for that article. I am not giving anymore water until I get some information from the children's hospital on Wednesday. I am also going to track every oz of everything, how long, etc for the next several days, so I have a very exact timing. I know her typical schedule, but I think exact everything will be even more benifcal l for him to tell me what to do if anything else. Also, I am going to add diapers to that list, we do change her alot, so I think we are easily hitting the diaper part, but I haven't counted them since i was in hospital having her. Thanks again! Stacey