Could this be implantation bleeding?
Okay, here's the deal. This afternoon I went to the bathroom and noticed a tiny bit of pink fluid on my pantiliner. Not much; since then have had a little more. Slightly red, mostly pinkish though. According to, I ovulated last Fri the 25th. Could this be implantation bleeding or am I just being too hoperul?
it could be implantation bleeding just like it could be the start of your period... all depends on your period, length of your cycle, etc etc... I remember with this pregnancy (I previously miscarried once) that a week before my period was due, I noticed a bit of bleeding like you describe and thought that my period was coming... but it never did... I just spotted that one day and then a day before I was due to start my monthly cycle, I did a pregnancy test and it was positive.
Sending positive vibes and "baby dust" your way :) Good luck!!