Stupid question?
We went to visit friends and family this weekend and spent Saturday night with a family we have known for a while. They have recently finished renovating their house!! The house was built in the 1940's. Anyways, when we got there, there was this strong smell. My husband said it was mothballs. We left the next morning and my lungs /throat feel irritated. I am sure this is from the strong smell. My question is, do you think it could have affected my little peanut?? I am 5 weeks pregnant.
If they are newer mothballs (made with paradichlorobenzene) there's not much evidence it can harm a fetus. If they are older mothballs (made with napthalene) they can cause anemia, but only if "huffed" or consumed - I doubt your limited exposure would cause a problem.
Pre-op: 347 High preg. wt: 331 Current: 284 Next goal: 283 Lowest post-op: 276
Thanks Sara!!
I guess I am being over cautious! I haven't huffed or inhaled them, lol... When I looked it up, it was the only way it could directly affect a baby. Oh and putting directly next to baby's skin (i.e. babyclothes being stored with mothballs) However, where we stayed, the odor was sooooo strong!!! Both my husband and I have sore throats and our lungs feel rough!! NOT GOOD! I love my friends, and they apologized for the smell, but I think I will stay somewhere else the next time, lol!
Thanks again!
I guess I am being over cautious! I haven't huffed or inhaled them, lol... When I looked it up, it was the only way it could directly affect a baby. Oh and putting directly next to baby's skin (i.e. babyclothes being stored with mothballs) However, where we stayed, the odor was sooooo strong!!! Both my husband and I have sore throats and our lungs feel rough!! NOT GOOD! I love my friends, and they apologized for the smell, but I think I will stay somewhere else the next time, lol!
Thanks again!