Failed my Glucose Test
I am talking to my OB tomorrow about that. I am going to refuse to do the drink test cause I am NOT going to make myself dump. I have heard we can get fasle positives and negatives. I would make them do the fasting, eat something, take another draw test.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
Try to do the pp test. The A1C is a 3 month average and might give a little insight into your general numbers, but is nothing to go off of really for pg because things change so fast. Also, you can request a meter and take your own numbers fasting and 1 hour after meals and keep track for a week or so. The thing to remember is that it really has nothing to do with RNY. Skinny and heavy both get gd. It has to do with how your body regulates all those extra pregnancy hormones. It is not your fault. If you do have gd it is not the end of the world...but it will mean being very stringent with your diet and exercise. If you have to take insulin it really is for the best. Trust is best to keep the your levels in control for baby and for you...even if you need a little help. If it gets to that give me a pm because I have some pointers after having gd 2 x. Shari