cystic fibrosis
I tested positive for as an uneffected carried of cystic fibrosis, my husband was just tested too and are waiting on his results. The OB said he sees it as good news but I still worry... tho there is nothing I can do about it. Has anyone else had this happen to them?? thanks...
Eli Mathius arrived June 19, 2011
Conner Ryan 8-2-2010
An Angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth, then whispered as she closed the book "Too Beautiful For Earth" -- Love you sweet boy...
Conner Ryan 8-2-2010
An Angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth, then whispered as she closed the book "Too Beautiful For Earth" -- Love you sweet boy...
I am a carrier. The mutation I carry is a very rare one, not one of the common ones. My DH is not a carrier.
I understand the worry.
If your Dh tests positive, there is only a 25% that the child would have CF.
You can have an amnio that will dx in-utero.
I understand the worry.
If your Dh tests positive, there is only a 25% that the child would have CF.
You can have an amnio that will dx in-utero.
God Bless! Jen
Mark 9:37a "Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me."
I am a carrier for a very rare mild mutation of the gene we didnt get hubby tested because it was $2000 to have it done and we would not abort. basically even if hubby tests postive its a 1 in 4 chance of them having it and then within that there are percentages for each symptom depending on a boy or girl....we saw a genetic counsler just wait until you get hubbies results!
Mommy to Molly 5/17/09
Mommy to an Gabriel with us for 20weeks in the womb. 10/23/07
Wife to Casey since 10/21/07
Mommy to an Gabriel with us for 20weeks in the womb. 10/23/07
Wife to Casey since 10/21/07
I realize this is an older post..but I have had the SAME thing happen with my daughter who was born almost 7 years ago....we had an amnio done and they told us she was negative, but it turned out they "forgot" to test for that, so after she was born the newborn screen came out positve...however...the mutation I carry is very mild, hubbys is not, but mine is "canceling" out abby has been very healthy. I know TONS about me if you have [email protected] Good Luck, Monica