My MIL is driving me f'ing nuts.. or is it me????
So, my MIL is driving me nuts. She makes mention all the time how shes going to keep the baby for weeks at a time (Not going to happen, maybe a sleep over when the baby is like 5!) and is completly treating this pregnancy like it is HER baby.
She actually TOLD me that im 'not allowed to put the crib or bassinet together' without her, and she invited her three sisters and husband, and then asked me to cook for them a meal I made her for mothers day, that took me hours in the kitchen. (Im on modified bedrest btw)
Im not 'allowed' to set up the nursery without her and her sisters.
She thinks she is going to be in the delivery room, and sitting with me every day in the hospital, and coming over to 'help' me evvery day for 'atleast' a month.
Today my son had his hip hop dance recital, and from the second we got there to the second it was over her and her sisters where *****ing and complaining... 'how much longer' 'these seats are hard' 'I thought the show was only an hour' 'my nerves are acting up' 'its not fair the boys only preform one show'...
OMG MYYYYY nerves where shot by the time it was over. My son has two more shows this weekend and I am sooo greatful they his mom and aunts arent going to those. Maybe I can actually relax and enjoy it.
So, my husband has no backbone when it comes to his mother. He is her only child, the prodigal son, and even though he admits at times she verbally, emotionally and at time even physically abused him as a child, he has only stood up to her once during our marriage. If he hadnt at that point we would have gotten a divorice. But now, with the soon to be arrival of our first child together, he is slipping back into letting her control out lives.
I mentioned the other day that Im going to need to make sure that he runs interference in the hospital. If it ends up I have to have a cesarean section, he is to make sure that untill I am able to hold and bond with our little girl, he is to make sure no one else holds her. He said 'WHY'... ummmm hello? Then when I told him to make sure that his mom and aunts only stayed alittle while and he actually laughed and said 'yeah right'. He is not going to stand up, and I can see me being a hormonal, *****y mess after this baby is born...
Or, am I that now, and totally blind that it is me and not her?
Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!
I say just let her THINK u cant put things together without her and then just do it! My MIL bought us our crib set and said the same thing BUT THEN wanted us to fit it into HER schedule SO we put the darn thing together without her cause i wasnt waiting for her to have time to come over!
I understand shes excited but sounds like both of our MIL's need to chill and take a step back.
How easily they forget that they too were expectant mothers at one time...and im SURE if their MILs were acting like they are acting now they'd be just as annoyed!
As far as your hubby not having your back completely when it comes to your choices at the birth...just make sure to relay your wishes to your nurses. Let THEM know that no one aside from daddy is to hold baby until you have had your time to do so and YOU think they should, i personally wouldnt even allow for baby to be "introduced" to any other fam by anything other then pictures until ive had some alone time with her and was nice and settled in a recovery room (if it happens to go c-section).
Plus set a visiting time limit with your nurse before they even let the inlaws and other fam in...they WILL make sure they leave when asked if hubby doesnt have the guts to do so!
I agree with Blanca, and my hospital told me the same thing....just either make a "birth plan" with SPECIFIC instructions or just let the nurses know your situation prior to going into full on labor...and they will run interference! then you dont have to worry about hubby not having a back bone.
Or....and this is the more abrasive of the two choices....take your MIL out to lunch one day and calmly explain to her that she had her time, u understand this is her is your child and she needs to take a step back.
I am sure which ever you decide will be the best choice for you!!
Good luck!!
my Mom is totally involved in my pregnancy but because I have asked her to be, we are super close. Unfortunately my MIL passed about 7 years ago now. Now my FIL on the other hand... we'll deal with that when I have to. lol
Goodluck *hugs*
But I wanted to chime in on the c-section thing. If you end up with one, you tell the nurse there with you NO ONE is to hold that baby but you and DH until you say so. That's what I did!!

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
When it came to delivery, I had to be the firm one and tell her that we would call and let her know when we were ready for visitors. She took it pretty well.
If I can offer any advice, it would be to not say or do anything too harsh. Most of the craziness is coming from her sheer love and excitement for the baby. I wasn't close to either of my grandmas and now I am excited for Ryan to know both of his. Once you are settled in at home with the baby, call her with updates about the baby. Then, she will hopefully not interrupt you as much.
My MIL behavior hasn't changed a lot, but I am getting more used to it and it doesn't bug me as much. Yesterday when she was in our yard, she held the baby for 10-15 minutes and it gave me the time to unload the car and put away groceries. The LO eats like crazy so I knew it wouldn't be long until he needed me.
Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!
I feel *****y today too. Maybe this is a terrible response!