When do you feel something? (repeat, I'm sure)
I think I was about 16-18 weeks when I felt Claudia move, but it wasnt anything consistant. Mine didnt feel like "flutters" it was more like that feeling you get when your foot goes to sleep but centralized...it was really confusing for me. I expected "blubbles" and all that....
I just now started showing around 7 months or so I still had the skin left over on my tummy so I have the jiggle on top of the hard baby knot.
I just now started showing around 7 months or so I still had the skin left over on my tummy so I have the jiggle on top of the hard baby knot.
I am 18 weeks and on child #4 by complete accident - but anyway, with all of my other children I started feeling the flutters around 14-15 weeks, and I was much much bigger. This time, I have felt no flutters or anything until now, but instead of going through the flutters, i've gone directly to the pokes and feeling the "rolling" sensation. I know weight has nothing to do with how much you feel inside, but it's still odd that i'm skinnier now and never felt movement on the inside with this one, just on the outside!