How long do you have to wait to try and get pregnant?
(deactivated member)
on 5/20/10 12:34 pm - Makawao, HI
on 5/20/10 12:34 pm - Makawao, HI
I am very early out and am wondering how long one should wait until trying to get pregnant. I have heard conflicting information.
It depends on a few things. One being how far out you are. My surgeon used to be 18-24 months but has since revised it to 12 months provided you've lost most of your weight and that you're eating well with no vitamin/nutritional deficiencies. You definitely want to take full advantage of your honeymoon period of 12-18 months to loose weight. Getting pregnant early is not ideal for a few being that your caloric intake is very low and two being that ketosis is not good for baby.
Of course early post op accidental pregnancies do happen...and lead to healthy babies...but it's a high risk pregnancy and many times difficult to maintain the calories/nutrients needed for baby.
You should definitely consult with your surgeon as to when he/she feels it's safe for you to ttc but any point after 12 months post op provided you're eating well (1000-1200 cal/day not prego) with no nutritional issues and you're weight loss is stable...go for it.
I got pregnant the 1st time at 16 months post op and had no complications. I got pregnant the 2nd time at 3.5 years post op and complications (aside from non-wls related bleeding early on). Both of my girls are very healthy and were born term at 39w1d and 39w0d.
Good luck when the time comes!
Of course early post op accidental pregnancies do happen...and lead to healthy babies...but it's a high risk pregnancy and many times difficult to maintain the calories/nutrients needed for baby.
You should definitely consult with your surgeon as to when he/she feels it's safe for you to ttc but any point after 12 months post op provided you're eating well (1000-1200 cal/day not prego) with no nutritional issues and you're weight loss is stable...go for it.
I got pregnant the 1st time at 16 months post op and had no complications. I got pregnant the 2nd time at 3.5 years post op and complications (aside from non-wls related bleeding early on). Both of my girls are very healthy and were born term at 39w1d and 39w0d.
Good luck when the time comes!

I am sure that you must have misunderstood your doctor. No insurance company is going to send you a letter saying to terminate your pregnancy. Even though it isn't optimal to have a baby too soon, it also isn't optimal to have a baby while obese. I am in no way saying to go out and get pregnant before your surgeon says but if it happens you can go on to have a healthy baby. In my opinion the damage is done mostly to the mother's health in most cases.
If I ever got a letter like that from my doctor or my insurance I think I might get a lawyer.
If I ever got a letter like that from my doctor or my insurance I think I might get a lawyer.
If that wasn't so sad and scary, that would be hilarious. If your doctor really said that, you really need a new doctor!!!! Those kind of scare tactics based on lies are very unethical. I *really* hope you misunderstood. An insurance company cannot dictate to you whether you get to keep your pregnancy. And furthermore, many women get pregnant (some accidentally, some intentionally) shortly after surgery, and have a healthy perfect baby 9 mos later. Is it the best idea? No. But I think you might be going a little far there.
I'm sorry but your surgeon is absolutely ridiculous!!! That is the biggest lie I've heard in awhile. How totally unethical of him to say such a thing. I totally agree that this is an awful scare tactic that obviously stuck with you- but please don't pass this bad and incorrect information along!! I'd be finding a new surgeon ASAP!! Yours is rotten! I'd be concerned about what other bad information he's giving you!