Edema in My stomach... Anyone have this before?
So I have a nurse coming to my home once a week to check on myself and the boys... She was here yesterday and she is worried cuz my right foot and calve is swollen still but my left side is fine... I had her look at my stomach around belly button area and I have edema there as well... I mentioned while pregnant still that my stomach was swollen there and it hurt... well I have fluid there still after the babies... I am researching this online and I am making myself worried... I must have 20lbs of fluid in my belly area... I was gonna call my PCP but idk if they will give me a run around until I am at least 6 weeks post delivery... I am really worried...
this is whats swollen to get a better idea of what I am talking about...lol

I can't see your picture, but I also had edema in my abdomen and was warned by my OB not to freak out because it's normal. He had to cut me in a really weird spot because I had a panni done a couple years ago, so it was swollen in a weird spot, but still normal. It took about 6 weeks for it to go down.
Sorry I couldn't be more reassuring, but at least you know you aren't alone. If the area becomes red or inflammed and sore I would definitely have it checked out though because you could get an infection in the tissue and that's no fun.