Gestational Diabetic Question/Vent
I haven't posted on here for a while. I just have a question/vent.
When I went to the doctor in Feb. my blood pressure was up. I was not surprised because I had an extremely stressful day at work. Then when I went back in March, it was somewhat normal. When I went back in April, it was high again. At that appointment, my doctor decided I needed to be tested for pre-exclampsia. At the same time, he told me to have my glucose test.
I went back to the doctor on Monday. My blood pressure was ok. He went ahead and put me on a blood pressure pill. He said the pre-eclampsia test came back fine. The glucose test is another story. My levels were high. We do not know if it is just gestational or if I am truly diabetic. Right now he is trying to control it with diet. During the day for the most part I do okay. MY concern is the fasting sugar, the first test of the day. For some reason, I can not get it in the normal range. Has anyone had the battle of getstational diabetes? What were some things that worked for you? Did anyone have high fasting sugars? I am just looking for suggestions and help. I know it is has only been a few days, but it seems like everything I try is wrong. It seems like all the things I were told would help, are hurting. I would appreciate any suggestions.
Luckily I only have 8 weeks left to do deal with this situation. My doctor is inducing me at 37 weeks because of the MTHFR.
Thanks all!!
When I went to the doctor in Feb. my blood pressure was up. I was not surprised because I had an extremely stressful day at work. Then when I went back in March, it was somewhat normal. When I went back in April, it was high again. At that appointment, my doctor decided I needed to be tested for pre-exclampsia. At the same time, he told me to have my glucose test.
I went back to the doctor on Monday. My blood pressure was ok. He went ahead and put me on a blood pressure pill. He said the pre-eclampsia test came back fine. The glucose test is another story. My levels were high. We do not know if it is just gestational or if I am truly diabetic. Right now he is trying to control it with diet. During the day for the most part I do okay. MY concern is the fasting sugar, the first test of the day. For some reason, I can not get it in the normal range. Has anyone had the battle of getstational diabetes? What were some things that worked for you? Did anyone have high fasting sugars? I am just looking for suggestions and help. I know it is has only been a few days, but it seems like everything I try is wrong. It seems like all the things I were told would help, are hurting. I would appreciate any suggestions.
Luckily I only have 8 weeks left to do deal with this situation. My doctor is inducing me at 37 weeks because of the MTHFR.
Thanks all!!
Hey!! Yes, when I was pregnant with my first son, I controlled my GD with diet, till near the end, when my fasting levels got too high and I had to go on insulin. However, my nurse educator told me that having a snack right at bed time helped keep levels good in the morning. It should be a small snack and should be a protein and carb, like cheese stick and a few crackers. Without eating, your sugar can crash during the night and then spike in the AM while it "recovers" from the cra**** can also be too high is you eat too much at night, or something too high in sugar, but since you are watching it so closely, it seems as though it may be the former. Worst comes to worst, you may need to do a little bit of insulin at night to keep the levels normal in the AM
I hope this helps - I am no expert, but if I can answer anything else, I will sure try!
I hope this helps - I am no expert, but if I can answer anything else, I will sure try!
Are you having a snack before bed? Believe it or not, it LOWERS the fasting sugar. Something along the lines of 4 crackers, 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1 cup milk. Give it a try.
I am monitoring my sugar because I can't take the 3-hour glucose. It is revealing I don't have GD but I feel better loosely following their diet so I can't complain.
I am monitoring my sugar because I can't take the 3-hour glucose. It is revealing I don't have GD but I feel better loosely following their diet so I can't complain.
If you don't mind me you know what your blood sugar levels were? Also if you did the standard test the non-fasting level may not be correct as we process sugar differently. I was tested for gestational diabetes with a fasting level and then a 1 hour post prandial (meaning I ate a regular meal and then was tested again 1 hr later).
Good luck and I'm glad that your blood pressures are ok!
Good luck and I'm glad that your blood pressures are ok!

The girls make good points. I also did a post pardial test. And the snack thing helps a lot. (carb and protein balance) Also try a brisk 15 minute walk a bit before bed. Also... I sometimes slept in late and would take my fasting after 10+ hours. My nurse told me to test no more than 8 hours after my snack...and that was a more true reading. After 8 hours of not eating they start to spike. The gestational diet is hard and you really have to space out those meals just right. They wanted me to eat at like 7 am which wasn't always feasible... So I would tend to make my snack really late. Good luck. Shari
I am doing okay with the meal times. My dinner meal tends to be screwed up. There is a lot going on. I am trying to get on a schedule for that. This morning my fasting sugar was the lowest it has been at 103, I think. For breakfast, I had about 4 oz of low sugar OJ and some cheerios with a tsp of sugar and my 2 hour check was 165. I have not had it that high since I started watching. The highest it has been since I started watching was 135. I think what happened is I didn't get to walk much after I ate. I am a teacher and we are closing out the end of the year so I have been doing a lot of grading and computer stuff. I am doing a salad for lunch and hopefully I will have time to walk before I do my check and it will come down.