I need breastfeeding advice please!
I have this problem where my left breast produces far more milk than my right. I would love it if my right side would make as much as my left! I have been trying to trick Annie with the football hold when I nurse her on the right side and I have also been starting on my right side to try to increase the production on that side but it doesn't seem to be working. Do any of you have any advice for me? Thanks!
This was just brought up in my mom and me class and included in the weekly email:
to decrease supply on one side - feed on less productive side for 2 feedings in a row, may have to increase to 3 feeding in a row.
to decrease supply on one side - feed on less productive side for 2 feedings in a row, may have to increase to 3 feeding in a row.
use thin cold pack in nursing bra on the other side to prevent engorgment. If getting too engorged for comfort, don't do above more than once a day. Gradually adjust as needed.
For both kids I had a better supply in the left. The only thing that increased my supply in general was oatmeal and water. ( tried reglan and mothers milk) Tried what pp mentioned to increase in right...but to no avail. Empty the low supply breast first, and if you can pump after feedings to get all the milk out, that will keep supply up. If you are satisfying your baby...that is all that really matters, so keep up the good work and don't stress too much about which side is getting the job done. Shari
Same thing happened to me. I would get probably 4 times more from my right side than I would get with my left. I would have Libby nurse for 30 minutes on my left and it just didn't help any. Oddly enough, that is also the breast that is at least a cup size smaller than my right. Although, doctors say that the size of the breast has nothing to do with the amount of milk you produce. I kinda wonder if it has a small part in it.
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"
Yah Bella LOVES my left side so I kept starting her on my right side and she would eat for a sec and wanna switch to left. So I just gave up and let her do what she wants to do. She eats 7-8 mins on left then 5-6 mins on right. She's a fast eater. I have notices whenI wear tighter shirts my left breast is bigger than my right.
Oh my gosh I wish Anberlin ate that fast! I don't know if it's me who just lets her nurse for as long as she wants or if it's really taking her that long but it usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour. Is that normal ya think? Should I start giving her like 15 minutes on each side and calling it a day? I just know for my milk production I am supposed to allow her to empty me out or I will start making less so that is why I leave her on for a long time on each side. She never really pulls off so she will eat forever if I let her. lol! What do you think?