Epidural Question
I'm one that has had problems after both my epidural with the first one, and spinal with the second. The problems the first time lasted about 6 months and now, 4 months out with this one, only very occasionally have problems. By "problems" I mean, tender *inside* my back where I can tell the needle went in. More of a tender spot than anything else. However, I have a pretty bad case of scoliosis, so I was way harder to place a needle into, so that could be why I have problems...Nothing unbearable by any means
No problems with my epidural (first baby)...however, it took many many times to get my spinal...and the big question became why my back hurt so bad after surgery----well- I had a slipped disc (I had no signs or symptoms of this during my pregnancy- not even really back pain). I feel it completely had something to do with the multiple times they tried to place my spinal...(10)..Mine required 'minor' back surgery because it was pressing on the nerves (lost reflexes to my leg, etc) horrible pain, and I could barely care for my baby girl. But I think that is a rare situation. I wouldnt stress as most people are A+ okay.
What about "too much meds in the epi"?
I got an epi and haven't had any complications from it. I was less than 2cm when I went to L&D and my water was broken! Aghh so we had to stay & they brought on the Pitocin, yuck. That's what made the contractions unbearable, so epi time! Well I think its possible to get too much meds via epi because I barely felt a thing before his head was out and just had to push a couple of times! This was all in a matter of about 5 hours, no joke! How quickly we forget the pain, but if need be, I would do the epi again because I did not have a bad experience the first time; but you just never know...good luck!
Nicolas's Mom-July 27, 2008