OB appointment
I had an OB appointment today and things are checking out good. Blood pressure was good 118/74, which always has me nervous because of my high blood pressure in my previous pregnancy, but it's looking really good. Baby is measuring large, which she has been all along. I'm measuring to be 37 weeks but am really 32. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Thursday so they can get a better idea about the size of the baby. And the doc thinks that the pain I had over the weekend was more than likely ligament pain. The baby is always hanging out on my left side and she said that could be causing that pain on my lower left from it having to stretch so far. It really is strange though how the baby is always on my left side. You can't tell in pictures, but when I'm laying down on my back, my belly is always way lopsided. Here is a picture of me today. I really don't think I look any bigger than I did at 24 weeks. Maybe that's a good thing.