20 Week Ultrasound Question
I had my 20 week ultrasound on Thursday. I noticed that two of the measurements seemed off. I can't remember the names but I think they dealt with the width and circumference of the baby's head. The first measurement was in the 17th percentile and the second was in the 27th percentile. There were 4-5 other measurements that were all pretty normal and around the 50th percentile. The ultrasound tech couldn't tell me anything and my doctor was out of the office. I know that if it was something pressing, I would have probably gotten a phone call from my doctor on Friday. BUT I am still worrying. The information I found on the internet was pretty vague. Has anyone else had similar measurements? Were there any actual problems with the baby?
Can't help you with specifics- my Doc has always done my ultrasounds. She doesn't use the percentile thing, she just tells me what the baby is measuring at- 20 weeks, 5 days, etc. My first was really small too- She was born at 5 lbs 4 oz, no problems at all! Some babies are just smaller- remember that percentiles are just averages. Also, the tech was doing the ultrasound, and I found with my first that they were always making more mistakes than the actual Dr, which is why they don't tell you very much. I would try to call the Dr. tomorrow, and ask that someone look at it and call you back. Bug the heck out of them so you feel better. But it may be technician error- it could be genetics. Good luck.