Is this normal 24 weeks?

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt
Hey there...
If your uterus growth is normal and your dr is not worried about your weight I would not worry...with my first child, I started out at about 210 pounds and I lost 32 pounds at first and then gained 15 pounds back near the end. My daughter came out weighing 9lb 3oz. I am now 33 weeks pregnant and I had the same issues at first with my tummy getting big fast, hurting and feeling achy. My doctor told me it was because I am smaller than I was the first time and that the baby is making more room because after my weightloss all of that space I once had is gone. I have no idea where my little one is going to go, I cannot imagine my skin getting any tighter either, I told my hubby that I was afraid that my stomach would have to tear apart if he gets any bigger.
As for the Sex part I was the same way, never in the mood and it did hurt and thats just normally based on the tendents and stuff being streched out and moving etc. I have been told that its normal. As for the mood swings I feel you. I have the same problem, with work, taking care of my little one and my sick mother I have been the same way. Its all hormones and stress.
I hope this helps!
While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt
Oh and as for sex - ZERO interest. It was about at 24 weeks or so it started to get uncomfortable for me too - now at almost 36 weeks I couldn't care less! lol Hubby will deal.