want to stop smoking.
I started a therapy session today(Lasts 6 weeks or more as needed), and they will give me free NRT, patches, gum, or lozenges?
Am I able to use one of these, cause I have tried stopping cold turkey, and lets just say I get "Hulk Rage".
I also read that if you stop cold turkey there may be some bad effects on the baby from the sudden withdrawl.
I was going to maybe only use the patches for 2 weeks, and still continue the whole 6 weeks therapy.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kudos to you for taking steps to stop quitting smoking! You obviously care a lot about your child-to-be to be doing this. I've never smoked, but I've heard it's a tough habit to kick (not to minimize it or anything).
Obviously, ask your OB to confirm, but I would think that using these products, while not "ideal" (as in "ideally no one would ever take anything while pregnant"), are probably a huge bit better than NOT successfully quitting smoking. We all know smoking while pregnant is not a good thing...I would think anything within reason to quit would be a better alternative.
Again, it's a choice you need to make with your doctor, though. I am so NOT a medical professional!
Good luck, and again, kudos to you for tackling this demon!

Lots of people including "Ellen" swear by this book
Here's the website which looks too complicated. Stick with the book.
I applaud you for trying to and succeeding stopping smoking.

(((BIG HUGS))) y-compare-your-options_1406034.bc
Good Luck to you.