Anyone else on Lexapro for PPD?
So the PPD hit me again and I have been through a week of hell. The first week post partum was fine but the 2nd week, I started having anxiety and ended up at the ER last thursday when I was having a panic attack. I ended up getting on Lexapro for anxiety/depression and some Remron in the mean time to control the anxiety until the Lexapro kicks in. I've been on Lexapro for 7 days now and yesterday felt a difference in my mood, much happier and not so depressed. I had to stop breastfeeding because of the anxiety attacks and then getting on all these meds. That was hard for me but I have to look out for my best interests and health.
This happened with my other two though, the first month was hell, especially the first two weeks. The Remron makes me really tired for the first hour on it but then the rest of the 7 hrs it works, I am fine. Hopefully I won't need to be on this stuff too long and then the Lexapro for only a few months. I was on Zoloft with my first for 6 months and then 3 months with my 2nd and then they weaned me off it and I was fine.
Anyone on Lexapro? I have noticed that I have a headache, some diarrhea, a little nausea. Better than feeling the horrible anxiety though. I know it'll probably take another 2-3 weeks to get the full effect from the drug though and I'll be feeling a lot better. I'm just getting over the hell I've been through in the past week and trying to adjust to having 3 kids and living life again. Trying to get out of the house and do normal things and also trying to rest. This is for sure our last kid, I can't go through this again!!
This happened with my other two though, the first month was hell, especially the first two weeks. The Remron makes me really tired for the first hour on it but then the rest of the 7 hrs it works, I am fine. Hopefully I won't need to be on this stuff too long and then the Lexapro for only a few months. I was on Zoloft with my first for 6 months and then 3 months with my 2nd and then they weaned me off it and I was fine.
Anyone on Lexapro? I have noticed that I have a headache, some diarrhea, a little nausea. Better than feeling the horrible anxiety though. I know it'll probably take another 2-3 weeks to get the full effect from the drug though and I'll be feeling a lot better. I'm just getting over the hell I've been through in the past week and trying to adjust to having 3 kids and living life again. Trying to get out of the house and do normal things and also trying to rest. This is for sure our last kid, I can't go through this again!!
I was on Lexapro for 2 years and then found out i was pregnant. The doctor wanted me to get off of them by my second trimester and i did. it wasn't easy but i did it and i can TOTALLY tell the difference in my mood. When this baby is born i am sure i will have to get back on them. Lexapro literally saved my life a few years back. I tried to stop cold turkey a few times but the withdrawl symptoms are crazy. I was able to wein off of them with this pregnancy because i did it right this time and didn't stop cold turkey like before. i think it works great for me and looking forward to being able to take it once the baby is born so i am not such a raging b*tch. LOL
Good luck and if you ever want/need to stop them just don't do it cold turkey- it's a good idea to see your doctor and wein off of them slowly because the withdrawl symptoms and side effects are no joke when you stop lexapro.
Good luck and if you ever want/need to stop them just don't do it cold turkey- it's a good idea to see your doctor and wein off of them slowly because the withdrawl symptoms and side effects are no joke when you stop lexapro.
Jaime C.

glad to hear it worked for you. I've been on an anti-depressant before and KNOW to not just quit cold turkey. I went off zoloft after I had my first baby cold turkey and felt like a zombie for a week. With my last baby, the doc had me do one every other day and then every few days and eventually I got weaned off it- that's the way to do it.
Thankfully I have a good doctor that is monitoring me right now and will help me get better and then eventually get off these drugs. I just thankfully need them after I have a baby and my hormones are all wacko and usually 3-6 months is all I need to do of the anti-depressant stuff.
Thankfully I have a good doctor that is monitoring me right now and will help me get better and then eventually get off these drugs. I just thankfully need them after I have a baby and my hormones are all wacko and usually 3-6 months is all I need to do of the anti-depressant stuff.
I was on lexapro for 2 years pre-pregnancy and it was a God send. It took about a month to get the full effect from it but I felt a difference within a week. It just made me feel human again - not drugged or anything. I am on wellbutrin now because they told me that was safer during pregnancy. I am in the process of weaning off of it because they say I can't take it and breastfeed (not sure how it is ok now and not then but I'll do what they want)
Hang in there! I hope that it gets better for you quickly. I am sure that the kids appreciate having their Mommy back to normal too!
Hang in there! I hope that it gets better for you quickly. I am sure that the kids appreciate having their Mommy back to normal too!