spent all day in the hospital and still no answers...do you have any?
Had some issues lastnight with not being able to see and my face and hand going numb. Thankfully there were people around to make sure I made it home. I have a headache today but other then that all is well and baby is still moving this is what happened, I was eating and talking to amber and the boys and I got a weird line threw my vision. I had a hard time driving because I couldn't see the lines in the road or focus on the signs. and it was like I was super tired and everything was bluring together but I wasn't tired at all. I dropped Amber off at home and dad met me there and followed me home to make sure everything was ok. I got home and was sitting on the couch and Andrew was laying in my lap. I touched his face and relized I couldn't feel it. My finger was numb. I felt is moving through my hand and then my tongue and lips. I think I was fighting a migrain but that was so scary. I really didn't think I was going to make it home.. the weird thing is I was at the dr yesterday and BP was great and so was the protein. This happened to me once when I was pregnant with Matthew but I was lucky enough that it happened at the dr office and I actually went partcially blind. FREAKY! They sent me right to the hospital and everything was normal. It was just so strange..........I called my dr today and they told me to go to the hospital. I did and Well I am home and they have no answers. They blew up my vein in my arm and thought that maybe my pottasium was low BUT there is nothing wrong. However explain to me how on the way home I had another episode. Same exact thing as lastnight except worse and I am still trying to get over it. The boys are not making it easier and just lost thier tv because of thier actions. Makes good for mommy though cause now I can watch tv in my room. I needed a break before I head in their room otherwise I just may kill them lol... But seriously what is going on with me! Everything is fine but I'm getting this weird stuff happening
The part about the vision happens to me when my blood sugar is low- Sometimes it comes out of nowhere. I'm not sure about the numbness- they might not be related, as numbness in hands is common in pregnancy. Then again, it could be migraine related too. Don't you love when there are no answers? Hopefully you won't have many episodes! Feel better.
Thanks Carrie,
I just HATE IT! I have been out of commision for almost a complete day and I have to work tomorrow so I am a little freaked out. It litereally was like I was stroking or something. I sent a text message in the middle of the episode and to look at it now it was NOT what I was trying to say. The entire text makes no sense its just jiberish. I must say I am very worried.
How far along are you? Sounds like an issue with oxygen getting to your brain. It COULD be positional since you're having it sitting in your vehicle. Maybe the blood is pooling in your legs and not getting to your brain like it's supposed to.......actually causing low blood pressure. It can cause the numbness as well. I actually lost consciousness behind the wheel exactly 2 years ago today and ran through a red light and hit two cars. Our van was totaled and I was VERY banged up. I was having malnutrition issues and problems with low blood pressure was going on too and they think it just got TOO low, I lost consciousness from lack of oxygen to the brain.......ran through the stoplight and hit the two vehicles. Thank God for the airbag!! Saved my life. I came to when some guys were trying to get me out of my van. It was smoking and they were afraid it was going to blow up. It eventually caught fire, but they already had me out by then.
But anyway, that's one possible thing it could be and what it sounds like to me.......positional low blood pressure. I hope it gets better and is not serious. Keep on top of your dr's until you get a resolution!
But anyway, that's one possible thing it could be and what it sounds like to me.......positional low blood pressure. I hope it gets better and is not serious. Keep on top of your dr's until you get a resolution!
What's your bp been?? The low bp and lack of oxygen can happen at the drop of a hat and not when you're getting it checked out. And it's probably positional which means when you're cramped up in your vehicle, it can be worse due to pooling blood in your legs or the baby even laying in some funky position putting pressure on your big major blood vessels toward your back. If it happens, stop immediately, stretch your legs out, but don't get up. If you're in your car, put your seat all the way back, stretch your legs out as straight as you can and try to lay to one side or the other.....NOT on your back.....ever (at least while you're pregnant). If you're at home, lay down on your side. Not necessarily your left because if it IS low bp, laying on your left side will (and does) lower your bp.
I don't know what else it could be if they've checked your blood sugar cuz it could possibly be low BS, but if that's fine, I'm bettin' on what I said. At any rate, I hope it goes away. It's freaky! And I wasn't pregnant when it happened to me 2 years ago.
I don't know what else it could be if they've checked your blood sugar cuz it could possibly be low BS, but if that's fine, I'm bettin' on what I said. At any rate, I hope it goes away. It's freaky! And I wasn't pregnant when it happened to me 2 years ago.
Have you ever had an MRI done? I have what is called Chiari Malformation and it wasn't diagnosed until I was in my 20's. I had severe migraines I thought I had brain cancer or something. Basically Chiari Malformation is when your brain is too big for your skull and the cerebellum falls into the brain stem.
[quote]What are the symptoms?
Many persons with a Type I CM do not have symptoms and may not know they have the condition. Individuals with other CM types may complain of neck pain, balance problems, muscle weakness, numbness or other abnormal feelings in the arms or legs, dizziness, vision problems, difficulty swallowing, ringing or buzzing in the ears, hearing loss, vomiting, insomnia, depression, or headache made worse by coughing or straining. Hand coordination and fine motor skills may be affected. Symptoms may change for some individuals, depending on the buildup of CSF and resulting pressure on the tissues and nerves. Adolescents and adults who have CM but no symptoms initially may, later in life, develop signs of the disorder. Infants may have symptoms from any type of CM and may have difficulty swallowing, irritability when being fed, excessive drooling, a weak cry, gagging or vomiting, arm weakness, a stiff neck, breathing problems, developmental delays, and an inability to gain weight. [/quote]
I found when I have my worst "episodes" are when my hormones are elevated. When I asked about this I was told it wasn't possible, but I beg to differ since my cycles, and pregnancy bring on some of my most severe symptoms. I get dizzy more often, lose vision occassionally and nearly pass out some times. Other times I end up with the most horrific migraines during these times as well.
Like you though, when I had "symptoms" and they tested me, everything was normal. Until I had the MRI which revealed my "defect".
It's just my thought/idea on what it might be. Then again it might be something completely different.
[quote]What are the symptoms?
Many persons with a Type I CM do not have symptoms and may not know they have the condition. Individuals with other CM types may complain of neck pain, balance problems, muscle weakness, numbness or other abnormal feelings in the arms or legs, dizziness, vision problems, difficulty swallowing, ringing or buzzing in the ears, hearing loss, vomiting, insomnia, depression, or headache made worse by coughing or straining. Hand coordination and fine motor skills may be affected. Symptoms may change for some individuals, depending on the buildup of CSF and resulting pressure on the tissues and nerves. Adolescents and adults who have CM but no symptoms initially may, later in life, develop signs of the disorder. Infants may have symptoms from any type of CM and may have difficulty swallowing, irritability when being fed, excessive drooling, a weak cry, gagging or vomiting, arm weakness, a stiff neck, breathing problems, developmental delays, and an inability to gain weight. [/quote]
I found when I have my worst "episodes" are when my hormones are elevated. When I asked about this I was told it wasn't possible, but I beg to differ since my cycles, and pregnancy bring on some of my most severe symptoms. I get dizzy more often, lose vision occassionally and nearly pass out some times. Other times I end up with the most horrific migraines during these times as well.
Like you though, when I had "symptoms" and they tested me, everything was normal. Until I had the MRI which revealed my "defect".
It's just my thought/idea on what it might be. Then again it might be something completely different.
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Mom to 8 ~ Adelyn Grace arrived July 8, 2010!
Sounds a lot like my low blood pressure issues. I constantly have low blood pressure. When I have an issue where my blood pressure drops I get similar symptoms to what you are describling. I have never been driving, thank god because durring an episode I just don't see how it is possible. I get very weak. Sometimes I will get hot flashes. My vision gets blurry and distorted. If I try walking around I will have lost balance like I'm a little tipsy but without the buzz. I can be disoriented. I remember having an episode at college once, somehow I made it to my car, after falling at least twice. I tried to use my cell phone to call my parents and called my best freind and talked to her thinking she was my mom. I finally figured out I called the wrong person and had her call my mom and have her call me. I figured if it couldn't dial I could at least answer the phone. By the time my parents got me and I made it to the doctor my blood pressure was 87/46. And I was feeling 100% better. Docs of course can explain why my BP took a dive. I bought a home blood pressure cuff. I monitor myself. Blood pressure is tricky and can change minute to minute. Your docs might not be getting the whole picture. Do you feel weird when these episodes happen?