I think my body is gone LOCO!!!
But what is up with my period?
How can I try to check my ovulation if my period is this nuts? Should I try to do an ovulation kit for every day of the month?
Should I try that pre-seed stuff? Will it help?
Any other suggestions?
Lastly, Preseed won't help ovulation, it is used to provide a healthy environment for sperm, but if you make good and lots of egg white cervical mucus, you don't really need it. I don't make any and there's nowhere around me to get Preseed easily (and with the winter I didn't want it shipped to me) so I have been using real egg whites instead of Preseed. Most people don't want to but that another (cheap and effective for many women) option.
Let me know if I lost you anywhere... been TTC on and off for 7.5 years so I've picked up a lot of information. There are a few good message boards out there devoted to TTC, the Actively Trying board on babycenter.com has huge amounts of awesome info.
T :)
I DID Make It - 135.4 8-1-10! Now working on post baby weight loss. (All WL post-op - preop got up to 220 from quitting smoking & last supper syndrome.) 5'2"
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
When it's time to BD (I put it in *TMI WARNING* after I've come but before DH climbs on lol) put the syringe in as far as it will go and press it fairly slowly (fast and it'll whoosh out). Probably similar to Preseed, but I haven't tried it, so can't say for sure.
And despite the numerous Chicken Littles and comedians out there (you'll die of salmonella!!!!!!1!!!! or doesn't that make meringues?!? ha ha ha) I've used it for a few cycles now and absolutely no problems. No BFPs yet either but I got the exact procedure from a woman who also doesn't make EWCM and has used real whites for a couple successful pregnancies.
Let me know if I missed anything :)
I DID Make It - 135.4 8-1-10! Now working on post baby weight loss. (All WL post-op - preop got up to 220 from quitting smoking & last supper syndrome.) 5'2"
LOL...I know my DH will think I've lost my freaking mind and gone over the edge...but I think I will try the egg whites. It will literally be EWCM then!!! Sounds simple enough. I'll definitely have to wash the eggs here though...the rest of the world doesn't wash their eggs like in the U.S., so they have chicken poo on them most of the time. Ugh.
Hope the eggs work for you soon...thanks for the info!
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Yeah, I would probably wash the eggs too then if I were you, eww! lol And just don't tell him it's egg whites, pretend it's Preseed, he won't know the difference ;) Hope they work for you too!
I DID Make It - 135.4 8-1-10! Now working on post baby weight loss. (All WL post-op - preop got up to 220 from quitting smoking & last supper syndrome.) 5'2"
Re the hubby being the problem...it is possible...and it's pretty easy to figure out. He'd just have to go do his thing in a cup and the drs could test and see what his counts are.
Even if they're very low...I know next to nothign about it - don't give up hope. There are a few women on here who's spouses had very low/slow counts...and they've had multiple pregnancies.
Good luck.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
I was never diagnosed with PCOS but I'm sure I had it, I had almost every single classic symptom. I suspect I may still have a very mild form of it but since starting to lose weight I have a much more regular cycle. It varies but is usually 29-33 days for the last year. Before that, for 21 years I had my period only anywhere from 2-6 times a year. 2 was at my heaviest. Made it wicked hard to TTC! I would get frustrated and give up. Then try again a year or 2 later - lather, rinse, repeat. Since I never had a regular cycle and I don't remember what it was like going off the pill either, I'm no help there. I vaguely remember hearing sometimes it would take 3 months for your hormones to regulate themselves.
There are herbals you can take to help with various aspects of trying to conceive, I strongly suggest researching them if your doc won't cooperate. Soy isoflavones are a popular alternative to Clomid. Vitex is supposed to be good to balance hormones. Evening Primrose Oil is good as is L-Arginine for helping your body make more EWCM. That's just a small sample :)
Seriously, head here and start reading and asking questions. There are some very knowledgeable people on this board, but that link has over 13K members, and I learned more there just reading for a month than I'd learned everywhere else combined in 7 years. There's also a charting (BBT) board and they are extremely helpful there too.
I DID Make It - 135.4 8-1-10! Now working on post baby weight loss. (All WL post-op - preop got up to 220 from quitting smoking & last supper syndrome.) 5'2"
How long have you been TTC? Why don't you get hubby sperm tested just to see if everything is all right with him. My RE did that as a first step into helping us. He also did a test to check that my tubes were clear.
I think that all the plumbing for you both is fine before going down a road to medication to regulate your periods!