Well it's official....

Bridget P.
on 4/18/10 5:18 am - Leechburg, PA
I never said her religious beliefs needed to match my own.  As for judging her... if you refer back to my original post, you will see that there were questions being asked.  I was questioning what her reasoning was for praying for an answer.  If life is ultimately created by God... then why would he guide her to destroy his creation.  It isn't my place to judge her.  Everyone will face judgement in their own time. 

Most of the time people come here and post stuff like this looking for someone to support their decision to terminate a pregnancy.  I'm not going to give that type of support.  I will however provide support for the unborn children who have no voice.  So.. if you want a spectrum... there it is!

Everyone makes mistakes in their lives.  Learn from them... don't try and erase them and hope for a better day tomorrow, especially when erasing that 'mistake' means disregarding another human being.


 Lilypie - (CD61)     Lilypie - (CEud)

Georgina R.
on 4/18/10 5:20 am - Bakersfield, CA
If that's how you show support: okay.

I know we're not going to agree on this so I'll just leave it there.
on 4/18/10 6:29 am - New York, NY
Im not looking for support  to have an abortion...  and to answer your question from before, yes I beleive in God and if I pray on it like people say... Im praying that whatever I decide to do, for him to forgive me for it..not for him to give me a sign or something telling me to abort..how feaking stupid is that. You say it isnt your place to judge me but honey you are doing so much more than that.

If i didnt care one bit then I would say SCREW you and not even bother to read your post... I can get flamed by you and everyone who wants to flame me.. like you said yourself everyone will get judge come judgement day and thats what im more concerned about than what you have to say.

If you dont beleive in abortions thats fine, I can come here and post freely
when ever i please...unless OH gives me the boot.
And I call your so called religious beliefs bull**** you are not better than anyone
I dont know who made you God to judge me... and keep talking about other women who cant hve babies... Im not here to freaking change the world...

After so many months of being careful I slip up one time, and im supposed to crawl
under a rock and die? I dont think so..I feel like crap as it is and sorry.

If I decide to give them up or abort is a decision I will have
to deal with, either way It wont be an easy decision.

surgery 4-7-08/current/goal 

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Bridget P.
on 4/18/10 7:42 am - Leechburg, PA

Do you really feel that I judged you in my original post?  I was playing the devils advocate and questioning what your beliefs are really about.  If *I* didn't care one bit, I would have ignored your post and said SCREW YOU... but I do care.  What I am saying is... the deed is done, yes, you have plenty on your plate, **** happens.  Not every situation is ideal for having a baby.  Don't disregard a human life because it's too hard to handle. 

Didn't you worry about your twins during your pregnancy?  What about when they were born... they were born early, right?  Were you ever pleading with God asking Him to take care of your babies and asking Him to make sure they were healthy?  Now you are considering snubbing Him, because it's not in your plan? 

I don't believe in abortions... and you can call my religious beliefs whatever you like... I am confident enough in my beliefs to stand firmly on them and not be ashamed.  In no way do I ever believe that I am better than another human being.  To be honest... I wouldn't even call myself a Christian... technically, I'm just a sinner that believes that Jesus Christ died for my sins and now I'm saved because I believe in Him.  I am far from a judgemental person... but what I do have is convictions.  I happen to have a strong conviction against abortion. 

This may sound harsh... but... have you ever held a dead baby in your hand??  I have... too many times, 3 times to be exact.  My son Avery was stillborn at 36 wks and I pleaded with God to let the ultrasound be mistaken when it showed he had no heartbeat.  I held him in my arms and was amazed at how wonderfully perfect he was.  I could never imagine someone actually choosing to end something so beautiful, innocent, and perfect.  I then went on to have 3 more miscarriages.  My miscarriage at 12 wks happened at home, just before my scheduled D&C... again, I held that baby and looked on with awe at it's beautiful features.  Once again at 16 wks my body miscarried and I was left with an empty womb, heartache, and an ounce of hope. 

Then I went on to have my now 2 year old Sydnee (I also have 3 older children from previous marriages).  I never stopped hoping... and I was scared that my body would do it again... but I continued to have faith.  I am so grateful that she was born... healthy and alive.  So I was happy to have my 4 children... and then we found out almost a year later that my husband had a son from a girl he went out with twice.  She never told him about his son... and now he was 9 years old.  WHOA... a whole new family was evolving.  We all adjusted and accepted him... physically, emotionally, and financially.  Fast forward to September 2009... low and behold... I found out I was pregnant again (for the 9th time).  I was scared... it wasn't in our plans... it wasn't in our budget... but the one thing I knew could handle was our hearts.  With everything that I have gone through pregnancy wise.. I never once questioned God's plan for me and my family.  I relied on Him to get me through the rough patches.  Now, I sit here with about 4 wks (hopefully thats all I have) left till I get to meet my newest little girl.  I don't question what God gives me... I just know that whatever he gives me, he will give me what I need to deal with it.  In the end, all trials and hardships that we experience change us....and it is up to us to determine if how we change is good and makes us stronger.

So, again, you can think I am condemning you all you want... but I am just trying to make you think.


 Lilypie - (CD61)     Lilypie - (CEud)

on 4/18/10 8:42 am - New York, NY
Ok, you have a blessed evening and thank you for your opinion.

surgery 4-7-08/current/goal 

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Bridget P.
on 4/18/10 9:11 am - Leechburg, PA
Everyday is a blessing... it all depends on how you look at things.

 Lilypie - (CD61)     Lilypie - (CEud)

on 4/19/10 1:17 am - Essex, MD
it is NOT your place to judge her regardless of what you have seen please pray for her as a christian not bass her. In the bible it says that no one sin is greater than the other can you honestly say you are sin free? God is the judge my dear and dont you forget it.
Bridget P.
on 4/19/10 2:07 am - Leechburg, PA
If you think my post was judgemental, you are sadly mistaken.  I have friends who have had abortions.  I don't agree with it at all.  Had I been friends with them at the time they were struggling witha decision like this.. I would have questioned them the same way.  Not all support is all mushy gushy.  As I stated.. I am not sin free... never claimed to be.  Those questions were posed to make her think.  Just because I didn't give her a pat on the back and say it's ok dear... you don't have to be responsible for your actions... doesn't mean that I wasn't trying to be supportive. 

Judgement will be passed on all people in the end... including me.  Questioning another persons beliefs isn't judging them. 


 Lilypie - (CD61)     Lilypie - (CEud)

on 4/18/10 9:32 am - NJ
Sorry, it is NOT inappripriate when the OP herself has mentioned her beliefe in God several times, as well as asking for prayers etc. She opened herself up to it, and should just suck it up. If you post something like this on a message board you need to be ready with your big girl panties because its not going to be pretty.

Oh, and I am a Christian AND pro-choice, so she won't get any judgement from me, but when you bring God into it, everyone who has an idea or a belife is going to be ready to tell you about what THEY think you should do in HIS name. It's the nature of the beast.

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

uNiQuE, iTs wHaT i

on 4/18/10 3:09 am - Selinsgrove, PA
Hi Meleney!

First off (((big hugs))). You need them right now. Lately I have not been posting but have been browsing (hands are usually full with the new little one) but I feel the need to respond to this one.

While what you did I agree was irresponsible...show me one person who does not do irresponsible and dumb things daily. They are part of human nature so please do not drive yourself mad because of this. I got pregnant very early out of surgery, very young..im 20, not married, in school and no stable job, and the list goes on...but I had to make the decision what was RIGHT FOR ME. No matter what decision I made someone would not be happy with me and guess what...to bad thats life...you need to live for you and the kids you have now. SO if bringing two more lives into this world would be an over burden on you and your families life, you know what decision you want to make...if you can handle it financially and just mentally worry how, I am sure you have a good family support basis that after the shock will eventually come through and you should carry along...if you can handle the mind games and the whole process, adoption can also be an option.

I would never judge you and what decision you eventually make. You already have 4 kids depending on you and to jump to 6 might not be realistic. I say put your faith in the Lord. While he does not create life in vain, sometimes our cir****tances cannot support his way. He will forgive you because He is always forgiving. To those who believe in God and follow His way, they will not judge you either because He greatly frowns upon it. I would like for you to keep them because I do not believe in abortion (but even I toyed with the idea when the situation presented itself) but again you must do what is realistic and feasible. Just pray on it and put your faith and trust in Him.

If you need someone to talk to and know wont judge feel free to message me. And again ((hugs)).

In a world full of cheerios be a fruit loop!   
Lilypie - (HynR)
                                Goal met 11/23

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