Well it's official....
If, at all possible, hang out to recieve the support from those of us with bruises on our knees from falling off our high horse so many times, and just let the rest go. Remember ... a mile in someone's shoes ... ?!
Hang in there ... sending you love and positive thoughts! xoxo

Make a pregnancy ticker
http://pregnancy.baby-gaga.com/"> src="http://tickers.baby-gaga.com/p/dev148bbs__.png" alt="pregnancy due date" border="0" />
Certainely more appropriate to PM someone if you feel you must assert your judgement.
Religious guilt trip? She was the one who came on here saying that she believes there is a God. Her posting defies logic. She's going to wait and see what God tells her to do?? Give me a freaking break... don't hide behind God and say that you prayed and prayed and he told you to choose abortion. I call bull****
How inappropriate is it for her to come on here and post about being "accidentally" pregnant and then say she is considering aborting them? I have been on this board for more than 5 years and I have seen so many women that struggle with infertility pass through this board. They hope, pray, and sometimes they still don't get a break. How unfair is that for them in this life? How awful for them to see someone so careless be given something so precious and then disregard life like it was nothing special.
If you're not ready for more children... prevent it with birth control... or keep your legs closed. Pregnancy is a possible outcome of sexual activity. If you're here only to hear what you want to hear... then perhaps you shouldn't post on a public board. Or ... if you're only looking for people to support you with the decision to abort... maybe do it on an abortion support board.
And yes, it is sad when women struggle with infertility but as far as I know this is a pregnancy board not an infertility board. There should be room for the entire spectrum here.
And NOBODY should be made to feel guilty because OTHER people can't conceive. It's sad, but everybody's reality is different. It's not her fault and she shouldn't feel guilty for other people's fertility problems.
And I think she feels awful enough about this entire situation that she doesn't need people shaming her about her past mistakes. I'm sure she's feeling guilty enough on her own.