Any knitting, crocheting, crafty moms making stuff for baby? *pic heavy*
Let's see some pics!! I want to see what you are making.
I recently hand dyed some wool -

And this is the diaper cover that it knit up into (still needs leg cuffs and to be felted, and notice the dirty looks I am getting from baby boy, he was in a mood and the last thing he wanted was to pose for pictures LOL)

I have two more skeins ready to be washed and dyed and turned into soakers, I am going to give up on plastic diaper covers for the summer and go all wool b/c it's cooler.
I recently hand dyed some wool -

And this is the diaper cover that it knit up into (still needs leg cuffs and to be felted, and notice the dirty looks I am getting from baby boy, he was in a mood and the last thing he wanted was to pose for pictures LOL)

I have two more skeins ready to be washed and dyed and turned into soakers, I am going to give up on plastic diaper covers for the summer and go all wool b/c it's cooler.
I love knitting, I taught myself when the triplets where little, but there are still things that allude me (like socks!), and I can't quilt or scrapbook, scrabooking has too many little pieces and I don't have the girly touch of making them all come together to look nice it always ends up looking like the cricut threw up on the page and everything I quilt comes out crooked (and I can sew, so I have no idea WHY that happens, but it does EVERY time!). I want to try my hand at bead making, but not sure that will turn out very well LOL
Thanks! I knit flat (meaning on one long needle rather then a round needle) and I have special, super slippery needles that I use, so I go pretty fast in an easy repeat pattern like this, I would say the whole thing took me about four hours from start to finish. The hardest part is actually the leg cuffs b/c they have to be knitted in the round on four double pointed needles, they take the most time out of the whole project b/c I stink at juggling all those needles.