Just spent the last 3 days in L&D
Remember how I was complaining that I hurt down below? Well instead of it being normal, turns out my who-ha is broken :( I have something called symphysis Pubis Dysfunction or also known as pelvic girdle pain. They cant do a xray or a mri because of the pregnancy, but they are pretty sure that the ligament snapped completly. The only thing they can do while pregnant is offer support services, physical therapy and pain management. I feel really guilty about taking the Darvocet they have prescribed me... They had me using a walker, but the real issue is when Im lifting my feet to put them up, or getting in a car, going up steps etc. Thats when the real pain comes into play. The only good news i've had is they did another sono, and little Sophia is allready allmost 2 pounds, and healthy as can be. They did another 3d, and we got to see her face, and she is a cutie pie.I just got home a few hours ago, and im so, so sore but trying to hold off on the pain meds as long as possible. Just wanted to give you all an update!!
Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!
Sorry you're in so much pain...and that it doesn't look like it's going to end until Miss Sophia makes her grand appearance?! I know it's a minor reassurance...but at least you know it's not 'all in your head' and you know why you're in pain. Not that that helps the pain...but at least lets you know what's going on....and that she's OK.
If the dr says the meds are OK for the baby, I'd say take them. Don't let the pain get out of control, because then it's harder for the meds to get it back in control. Obviously don't OVER do them, but don't UNDER do them either.
Hope the PT helps.
If the dr says the meds are OK for the baby, I'd say take them. Don't let the pain get out of control, because then it's harder for the meds to get it back in control. Obviously don't OVER do them, but don't UNDER do them either.
Hope the PT helps.
January 2008,
July 2008
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September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Thank you for all the support and well wishes ladies! I start my pt on the 21st, and it will be in the water, so the baby lifts up off the pelvis a bit. Im hoping the pt will prevent surgery after the baby is here. It really feels good that the dr actually listened to me, and didnt just tell me everything was fine and send me home. Im happy about that!! Today was a miserable day pain wise, and my first full day home from the hospital. It is really hard to sit back and nott overdo it when you're home.. but im trying! Anywhoo, thanks again for all the positivity! I need it :)
Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!