Dealing with Weight Stress . . .

on 4/13/10 5:03 pm - Flint, MI

Okay I posted SOME of  this in the Weigh in Thread but I've also wanted to talk about this too.

When I found out I was pregnant = 212 lbs
Lowest weight reached = 195lbs (12-13 wks preg)
Currently = 202lbs (26 wks)

My entire 2nd trimester was spent weighing between 198 - 202. Next week I'll be entering the 3rd trimester and I am beginning to see the scale increase a bit each day.

Those are pretty much my stats so far for this pregnancy. I KNOW it's okay to gain weight in pregnancy (BTDT 7 times before) but seeing how I am post surgery it's been more difficultt o wrap my head around the idea of seeing the scale go up.

I've been VERY LUCKY, I admit it, in the fact that I have pretty much maintained my weight all through the 2nd trimester. It's fluctuated between 198-202 and has seemingly been steady at 200 for the most part.

The month or so I haven't really weighed myself but lately I started weighing again. I wasn't "shocked" or anything but did notice it was on the "higher" end in the mornings. I've been consistently at 202 each morning. Still VERY GOOD in my humble opinion. Still down 10lbs from my weight at te time I POAS and up 7lbs from my lowest weight reached.

Once I reached my lowest weight and realized I wasn't losing anymore I decided to try and set a goal of not going over 215-220 while pregnant. I did this thinking I would be gaining from that point on.

Then the 2nd trimester hit me with a pleasant surprise of maintainence weight. I've gotten used to not losing and NOT GAINING!

The other night when I weighed myself before bed the scale read 205.6lbs. It made me feel REALLY FAT again. Logically I KNOW this is supposed to happen and it's mostly the baby gaining weight which is A GOOD THING, but the number onthe scale still depressed me.

I think part of this scale struggle is the fact that I wasn't prepared or ready to get pregnant and deal with the weight roller coaster just yet. I mean, I am less then 2 weeks away from my 1yr surgiversay and I was SO LOOKING FORWARD TO BEING AT MY GOAL WEIGHT by that point. As it is I am so close to it, and yet so far away, because of the pregnancy.

Don't get me wrong, I am over the moon thrilled we are having our last baby, and even MORE THRILLED IT'S A GIRL, since that is what I have been wanting for the last 3 years. It's just I had gotten so emotionally and physically involved in my weight loss and focused on myself for the first time since becoming a mom 11 years ago, that I wasn't ready to give that up yet!

I'm so not trying to let the scale stress me out, and I keep telling myself that the weight is for the baby's good health. I just panicked when I saw the scale read 205.6 the other night and then realized I was over 10 weeks away from possibly giving birth and had less than 9lbs before I reached my lowest weight "goal". I started to think I might gain too much weight in that time.

I liked reading that someone was around 200lbs when they gave birth and was down to 185lbs. I am really kind of hoping that when I give birth I will instantly lose 20 lbs. I know in my previous pregnancies I could easily lose 30-35lbs a week or two after birth, so I also try to focus on that as well for comfort and peace of mind.

I know I would absolutely LOVE to be near 185lbs withing 2 weeks of birth since DH has gained some weight and is now at 181lbs, LOL As it is I've never been this close to his weight before and I look forward to the day I am lower on the scale than he is!

Any ways; just wondering how some of you deal with weight stress, if you have any, while pregnant? Especially if you have gotten pregnant before 1-2 years post-op?

Visit us at Motherhood after WLS !
Mom to 8 ~ Adelyn Grace arrived July 8, 2010!

on 4/13/10 11:24 pm
I gotta tell you I completely understand what you're talking about. I always thought I would have no problem gaining weight because I was pregnant. But I did get used to losing or at least maintianing and to see the scale creep back up to 200 is scaring the crap out of me. I just keep telling myself that I have gained a healthy amount of weight and I will still have my tool after Rory is born. It seems as if you ave gained a very good amount of weight, but I just wanted you to know that I understand what you're saying.

To add to it all, I feel huge and fat again. I know it's all in my head because I have only gained in my belly, but when I look in the mirror I feel huge (that's a fun element to add on isn't it?).

Mommy to 2 of the most beauiful little girls in the whole universe and still in love with my hubby of 8 years. LIFE IS GOOD!
on 4/14/10 4:20 am - Flint, MI
I still feel "huge" and "fat" too. Ironically I KNOW I have lost "weight" despite the fact the scale stays the same because I can STILL fit into the jeans I was wearing before I got pregnant! LOL

My pregnancy jeans have gone down in size too. I'm a 16/18 when before I was an 18/20.

For fun I tried on some of the size 14 jeans I had in my closet and was shocked I could pull them on practically "all the way" despite not being able to button or zip them up because of the baby belly.

Just a few months ago they wouldn't even go up past my thighs! I was thrilled and it makes me want to have this baby so I can try them on post-partum, LOL

Still the number games are frustrating.

I know it's best for baby and I eat as healthily as I can and we're both doing great so I am not worried.

My sleeve is doing great too and keeps me on track as well.

I guess it was a good sign that people see me as pregnant and ask when I am due more often then they did when I was "really" fat and pregnany. Even my Niece (age 6) gave me a hug and realized I had a baby belly and asked "Are you going to have a baby?" LMAO it was so cute. I was just happy to be able to say YES, rather than say "No I am just fat." Like I have had to in the past.

I know it's body dysmorphia still so I work through it on a daily basis. It keeps getting better the bigger my baby belly gets. I just hated being at that stage when I looked more fat than "pregnant".
Zee Starrlite
on 4/14/10 12:32 am
Yeah, we have serious issues with our eating and weight tis why we've had Weight loss surgery.  I personally think I would need some sort of therapy or support group to get through a pregnancy - not just weight but other fears.  We have to get our minds right because when we are pregnant, it certainly is not about us. It is about us taking care of ourselves so that our babies grow healthy and we are healthy to take care of them.

You were such an early post-op for pregnancy.  Food must still be very limited if your sleeve is still small.  With early post-ops and pregnancy it is a natural progression to continue to lose because your surgery is so new  AND you are still in the "weight-loss window of opportunity".

It is so important for you to eat for nutrition right now and forget about the scale especially at home.  Just eat healthy (as prescribed by your doctors) and exercise.  I think it is a little sick to be fussing over weight loss right now.  I'm just as crazy, but a bit more settled about my weight now because I am 5 years post-op.  I too would be of advanced maternal age when I get pregnant so I would do whatever would give me and my baby the best chance to be healthy.


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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