37 week appt...no progress...induction scheduled
My doctor told me previously that she won't let me go past 39 weeks because I'm Diabetic. She wanted to schedule me next week which is my 38th but the Perinatologist at the hospital wouldn't agree to anything before 39 weeks without an Amnio first. So, I'm scheduled to check into the hospital the night before I hit 39 weeks which is Sunday the 25th and start induction. Since I haven't progressed, it's going to be a 2 day induction...ugh. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I make some progress between now and then and can at least get it down to a 1 day induction. Even better would be if I spontaneously go into labor before that but baby girl seems to be pretty comfortable in there.
I really didn't want induction and I'm afraid I'm going to go through hours and hours of labor only to end up with a c-section but it is what it is.
In any event, it's good to know that the latest I'll be meeting my little girl is April 26th.
Lap Band September 2007 / Slip discovered March 2014 after significant regain / Revised to VSG April 29, 2014
Thats my biggest fear tomorrow....no progress. Last check I was only 50% effaced. We'll see.
I get the doctor tomorrow that wants to induce me around that week if I don't go earlier. So...who knows. The other doc says he'll only induce if she gets too big or I'm at least dilated to 2 by the 39th week. (boo on him) I am hoping 'Bells makes her appearance sometime next week, but am totally not counting on it. But who says Momma can't eat some seriously spicy food and try out that old wives tale this weekend? Mexican(she hates it), Thai, Korean, Indian...you name it...ooooh maybe Vietnamese its really spicy and I'm gonna try it. I am TIRED of being pregnant. I want my baby.
Sending you my home #. We are changing cell providers and have been doing loads of research to find one we like. Chris & I both get discounts off like four of the largest we just can't make up our minds on one we both like. So...Friday is our d-day to make up our minds. I hate T-Mobile so the one that ended up in the toilet was T-Mobile and since our contract was up for renewal, we decided to go a different way. I am looking at Sprint and Verizon. Both of them we have company discounts at...so we may land there. I really really want a Blackberry. So...just in case you go into labor before the 25th, I am sending you my home #(I'll be here) but I should have a new cell # by Saturday! It cannot be too soon. I have been going crazy w/o it. You never know how much you rely on those things!
Good luck...and maybe just maybe your little girl will be more cooperative than mine, and send u into labor the good ole fashioned way!
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!
I can't imagine going that long without a cell phone. Yikes. We don't even have a landline anymore. We never used it so we couldn't see spending the money on it every month. I love my iPhone but you have to put up with crappy AT&T coverage. For what it's worth, I had Verizon for years and years before I switched to get an iPhone and loved it. Never had coverage issues, easy to upgrade, change plans any time, etc. If I was still with Verizon I'd probably be looking at getting an Android. Anyway, let me know when you have a new celly and I'll test text you!
Lap Band September 2007 / Slip discovered March 2014 after significant regain / Revised to VSG April 29, 2014