For the mommies of older babies, what are they eating?

a typical day looks like this -
Breakfast -
half a banana, pear, melon or avacado (basically some kind of fruit either smooshed and spoon fed or self fed in the Munchkin feeder) with a few tablespoons of homemade full fat yogurt
Lunch -
usually nothing, but sometimes some veg in the feeder if he seems to be interrested in my lunch
Dinner -
whatever veggie and meat we are having for dinner (again either smooshed or self fed) and sometimes if he still seems to be into eating, some yogurt cheese
So what does your day look like?
jayson was a huge eater...
our day usually went like this ( i dont remember times but general idea)
wake up-bottle
breakfast-ceral with fruit mixed in
bed-bottle with cereal
when he was teething i would give him frozen fruit in the feeder... i didnt use it often because it grossed me out
LOL about the feeder, it grosses my husband out so bad, he won't even watch matty use it or touch it when he is done.
As for the yogurt cheese, I make yogurt once a week for the family (2% for the big kids and whole fat for baby), and it gets funky after about six days, so at the five day mark I place it in some coffee filters over a collendar and let it drain over night, the results is a think, spredable cheese like cream cheese. The big kids and I use it in place of cream cheese on bagles and on toast with jelly or jam, and matty likes it with a little fruit or veg mixed in. It's pretty good, and has less then half the calories and fat as cream cheese.
Cooper is 9 months old.
Sunday Cooper ate:
Breakfast -- sweet potatoes (stage 3) w/ cinnamon and some cooked carrots mooshed stirred together (I'd say about 7oz of food since the jar itself is 6 oz)
Lunch -- About 3oz of stage 3 organic herb chicken and pasta (he doesn't like pasta much) and 6oz of apple-yogurt (full fat, low sugar)
Dinner - about 2oz of chicken (that we ate) self-fed , some little carrot pieces self-fed . He probably only ate about 4 oz total here because he was so tired.
I also try to get in 24 oz of formula..... per doc's orders (minimum of 24 oz)
This morning I made him a yogurt smoothy with blueberries and squash which he ate about 5oz of
I don't feed Cooper cereal either..... he never liked it so why bother? BUT.... I do let him self-feed some of those sweet-potato or rice puffs for practice. (they are less slippery than fruit or veggies)
I'm sure Matty is just fine! sounds like he's eating well!
Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago. God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)
HA HA, I think you are right about grandmas and great-grandmas! Both of my grandma's are still alive and they both drive me crazy, my Italian Grandmother wanted to give Matty meatballs when he was five months. She nearly keeled over when I told her he didn't get ANY food but breastmilk at that point, I think her exact words where "Are you trying to kill him?"
When did you start to let Cooper feed himself chicken and stuff? I think Matty might be getting close, but I am totally freaked about giving it to him for the first time, I had a choking scare with him when he was tiny, and since then I freeze up everytime he gags.
M still nurses like 8 times/day, so I would estimate he gets anywhere from 35 to 45 ozs of breastmilk during the day.
I am really pretty sure I am not starving him, but it's nice to hear it from someone else LOL Thanks for the post!
Wake-up: 6oz formula
Breakfast: Rolled oats with 1/2 mushed banana, or could be yogurt
Lunch: 8oz bottle plus whatever snack I hand him (rice puffs, grapes in the munchkin feeder)
Dinner: Whatever we are having, or Stage 3 1/3 jar of entree and 1/3 jar of fruit (tall jars), plus 4oz bottle
Bedtime: 6oz bottle
usually he nurses for a few minutes right after he wakes up, maybe 10 minutes
-Breakfast: 4-6 oz of fruit + cereal (about 1/2 and 1/2) OR 2 oz yogurt and 2-3 oz fruit and cereal
He usually goes through 16-20oz of milk at daycare during the day
-lunch he'll eat 5-6 oz of whatever I made for him (today he has zucchini and cauliflower with chicken and a little basil).
He'll usually have a little milk/formula when he comes home, around 5pm, maybe about 4 oz.
-Dinner he usually eats about 6 oz solid food, around 6:15.
He has a sippy cup with water and sips on that during solid meals.
Sometimes he'll nurse for a couple minutes before bed, but he usually falls asleep too fast to get much out of it.
He was more often eating 4oz at a time when he was 6-7 months.
Rowan didn't like that munchkin feeder at all, but sometimes he'll eat a baby Mum Mum cracker (rice) and lately he likes to chew on watermelon rinds as well. He doesn't have any teeth yet, so we don't do too chunky food yet.
We aren't giving wheat yet either since his father is sensitive to gluten. Rice ceral doesn't contain gluten, and we even found a brand that is rice + quinoa: %C2%AE-Organic-Infant-Cereals/
This blog has a handy summary of general solid feeding guidelines by age:
Banded 03/22/06 276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)
Sleeved 07/11/2013 228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)
Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.