Please send us luck and baby dust!
Since the MC hubby and I have honestly only half heartedly TTC. I don't know why, but we just weren't into it - physicall or mentally - and even though we were "trying", it was more like playing darts, drunk!
So, we both have decided (we pinky swore) that this month we're going to give it 110% and do everything we're supposed to and on schedule. Hubby even promised he's going to get over his "preformance issues" all for the good of the team.
I'm currently on CD5 and going to start using an OPK and reeeeaaalllyy monitor my temp and CM. I'm also using my Outlook calendar so I can keep track. Last "cycle" I didn't O at all. I hope this month is not a repeat!
Please keep us in your thoughts and send lots of baby dust.
Proud Mom of Brantley Alexander, 6 1/2 years old .
"CoCo" November 2009,
July 2010

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...