FRIDAY TTC POST (who is makin a baby?)
Mandy~ Welcome! Any luck with the opk's?
Tami~ So sorry you are having a rough time. I pray for your bfp every day.
Sherry Lynn~ How was the meds...did you o?
kprc1~ I conceived Micah bding 5 days before o. Never say never.
How are my girls?? We are over due for a bfp, so praying hard and crossing fingers and toes! Shari
ak_lisa ~ TTC 7yrs, on BC (for next 9mths), PCOS
Aleta ~ TTC #1 since 6/08
Amanda G ~ TTC #1 since 4/09 with 2 MC
Amber R ~ TTC #1 since 12/09
Amy ~ TTC
Angie ~ TTC #1 5/08. PCOS and on metformin.
Anita C ~ TTC #1 since 04/08
Barb ~ TTC #1 since 10/09
Cathie ~ TTC #2
DunnyBoctor ~ TTC since 11/08
Erika E ~ TTC #1 since 5/09 with PCOS
Holly ~ TTC since 12/07 with losses'
Jennifer ~ TTC #2 since 3/09 currently on Femara
Jersey ~ TTC using ivf /icsi/cgh
Jessica K ~ TTC #2 since 3/10
Julia ~ TTC #1 Since 3/09 with PCOS currently on Metformin and Clomid
Kelly ~ TTC
Kim ~ TTC #1 for 5 years, currently on Clomid
Kim ~ TTC #1 since 2/10
Lesley~ TTC since 1/10
Lisa ~ TTC #2 since 3/09
Lisa B ~ TTC #2
Malena ~ TTC #2 since 4/09
Mandy ~ TTC since 3/10
Mamasanny29 ~ TTC #3
Mickey ~ TTC #1 since 7/05 with unexplained fertility-on a break from 9/0-6/09.
Pam P ~ TTC #1 since 3/09
Renae ~ TTC again since 9/09
Robyn ~ TTC #1 since 12/09
Samara ~ TTC #2 (assisted with meds)
Sandy~ TTC #3 (#1 for hubby) since 1/06 after mc with PCOS.
Shana ~ TTC #1 since August '09. First round of Clomid January 2010.
Shannon1 ~ TTC #1 since 4/07-starting clomid/iui on 1/09, on to injectables/iui in 08/09.
Shannyn B ~ TTC #4 since 2/10
Sherry Lynn ~ TTC for 15 years -on Clomid and Metformin
T ~ TTC #1 since 2002
Tami ~ TTC #2
Some common terms:
TTC - trying to conceive
BFP - big fat positive (positive pregnancy test)
BFN - big fat negative (negative pregnancy test)
CD - the day of your menstrual cycle
O - ovulation
DPO - days past ovulation
LP - luteal phase (time from ovulation to period)
AF - aunt flow ( your period)
PG - pregnant/pregnancy
MC - misscarriage
RE - reproductive endocrinologist
OPK - ovulation prediction kit
CL - coverline ( for those taking their temps to confirm ovulation)
Met - metformin or glucophage ( a diabetes medication sometimes taken to help hormone levels and ovulation)
BD - baby dancing ( having timed intercourse)
DTD - doing the deed
IUI - inter uterine insemination
IVF - in vitro fertilization
PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome
POAS - pee on a stick (taking a pregnancy test)
2WW - two week wait...time from ovulation until you can test for pg
Tami~ So sorry you are having a rough time. I pray for your bfp every day.
Sherry Lynn~ How was the meds...did you o?
kprc1~ I conceived Micah bding 5 days before o. Never say never.
How are my girls?? We are over due for a bfp, so praying hard and crossing fingers and toes! Shari
ak_lisa ~ TTC 7yrs, on BC (for next 9mths), PCOS
Aleta ~ TTC #1 since 6/08
Amanda G ~ TTC #1 since 4/09 with 2 MC
Amber R ~ TTC #1 since 12/09
Amy ~ TTC
Angie ~ TTC #1 5/08. PCOS and on metformin.
Anita C ~ TTC #1 since 04/08
Barb ~ TTC #1 since 10/09
Cathie ~ TTC #2
DunnyBoctor ~ TTC since 11/08
Erika E ~ TTC #1 since 5/09 with PCOS
Holly ~ TTC since 12/07 with losses'
Jennifer ~ TTC #2 since 3/09 currently on Femara
Jersey ~ TTC using ivf /icsi/cgh
Jessica K ~ TTC #2 since 3/10
Julia ~ TTC #1 Since 3/09 with PCOS currently on Metformin and Clomid
Kelly ~ TTC
Kim ~ TTC #1 for 5 years, currently on Clomid
Kim ~ TTC #1 since 2/10
Lesley~ TTC since 1/10
Lisa ~ TTC #2 since 3/09
Lisa B ~ TTC #2
Malena ~ TTC #2 since 4/09
Mandy ~ TTC since 3/10
Mamasanny29 ~ TTC #3
Mickey ~ TTC #1 since 7/05 with unexplained fertility-on a break from 9/0-6/09.
Pam P ~ TTC #1 since 3/09
Renae ~ TTC again since 9/09
Robyn ~ TTC #1 since 12/09
Samara ~ TTC #2 (assisted with meds)
Sandy~ TTC #3 (#1 for hubby) since 1/06 after mc with PCOS.
Shana ~ TTC #1 since August '09. First round of Clomid January 2010.
Shannon1 ~ TTC #1 since 4/07-starting clomid/iui on 1/09, on to injectables/iui in 08/09.
Shannyn B ~ TTC #4 since 2/10
Sherry Lynn ~ TTC for 15 years -on Clomid and Metformin
T ~ TTC #1 since 2002
Tami ~ TTC #2
Some common terms:
TTC - trying to conceive
BFP - big fat positive (positive pregnancy test)
BFN - big fat negative (negative pregnancy test)
CD - the day of your menstrual cycle
O - ovulation
DPO - days past ovulation
LP - luteal phase (time from ovulation to period)
AF - aunt flow ( your period)
PG - pregnant/pregnancy
MC - misscarriage
RE - reproductive endocrinologist
OPK - ovulation prediction kit
CL - coverline ( for those taking their temps to confirm ovulation)
Met - metformin or glucophage ( a diabetes medication sometimes taken to help hormone levels and ovulation)
BD - baby dancing ( having timed intercourse)
DTD - doing the deed
IUI - inter uterine insemination
IVF - in vitro fertilization
PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome
POAS - pee on a stick (taking a pregnancy test)
2WW - two week wait...time from ovulation until you can test for pg
good luck to everyone TTC... :)
please change my listing
Amanda G ~ TTC #1 since 4/09 with 3 MC + uterine septum
Side note I am having surgery on the Septum on the 20th of April YAY Thanks to an amazing RE!!!
please change my listing
Amanda G ~ TTC #1 since 4/09 with 3 MC + uterine septum
Side note I am having surgery on the Septum on the 20th of April YAY Thanks to an amazing RE!!!
MC 06/2009 
MC 09/2009
MC 11/2009
D&C, polyp removal, and division of partial septum 4/20/2010

MC 09/2009

MC 11/2009

D&C, polyp removal, and division of partial septum 4/20/2010
Hi all. I havent been around for awhile. Just taking a break for awhile. After miscarrying on the 5th of March, I am waiting for my cycle to return. I did bleed for about 3 weeks after the miscarriage, which my doctor told me was okay, so I figure that I still have some time before my cycle returns. When it does we will try on our own for one cycle and then return to the meds for the next cycle. Good luck all and have a nice weekend.....
CD 21 and a positive on the opk this morning. I don't kow why I keep ovulating later in my cycle each month. I think this is the 3rd month that I have done that. Hubby is sick with a bad cold/flu and my mom is visiting sleeping in the next room so BD-ing is not happening this month. Maybe next month will be better.
My 5 year surgery anniversary was 2 days ago. It's depressing to type but I did not accomplish anything. I had the surgery only to be able to over come infertility and that obviously did not work and I am very over weight once again from anger eating.
I keep telling myself to get it together and get losing again but it never last. Weight loss just does no seem important to me anymore even though I know it is what I need to do. I am the oldest and the longest one on this TTC Friday post. Not a title to be proud of.
Thanks for the sweet words Shari.
My 5 year surgery anniversary was 2 days ago. It's depressing to type but I did not accomplish anything. I had the surgery only to be able to over come infertility and that obviously did not work and I am very over weight once again from anger eating.
I keep telling myself to get it together and get losing again but it never last. Weight loss just does no seem important to me anymore even though I know it is what I need to do. I am the oldest and the longest one on this TTC Friday post. Not a title to be proud of.
Thanks for the sweet words Shari.