Cooper can sit up - oh my! (And Smelly baby update)
First update on my smelly baby.... I spoke with the babysitter last week for 40 minutes. Although I didn't ask her specifically if she sprayed Febreze on or near my baby I mentioned my dislike for Febreze (and my reasons for them.) We also talked about chemicals in general and I'm glad to say her thoughts on them mirror mine.
She sanitizes her toys with the Clorox Anywhere spray like I do and won't even vacuum with her son in the same room because of the dust it an kick up. She uses all green cleaners (7th Generation) same as me including window cleaner.
Anyway.....long story short Cooper's been coming home smelling much more like a little boy and much less like a flower-basket.
So yesterday Cooper officially sat up by himself from a prone position. I know he's probably late with this milestone. He has sat by himself since 3.5 months, but he couldn't get from prone to sitting without help or being on an incline. Well..... now he can!
The problem now? Last night he refused to lay down!! I'd lay him down in bed and he'd sit up. Finally I had him in the bed with me and he fell asleep and collapsed onto my leg. It was very cute and the picture below doesn't do his funny position justice - sleeping sitting up. Stubborn child!
I fear now that he can get from his stomach or back to sitting he won't be crawling.... he likes to sit / butt scoot too much!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago. God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)