Exausting update on my LO and I
I am 37 weeks 5 days today. I went to the OB today and waited an hour and 45 minutes to see him...ugh!! I've never waited that long, the Dr apparently had an emergency. Anyway, my blood pressure was a little high, 117/95. They retook it after a while and it was 120/80 but he was concerned because I've been having blurred vision for the passed 2 days. No swelling or anything but I have to do a 24 hour urine collection tomorrow, then get a blood test on Friday. If I have any signs of pre-eclampsyia (sp?) in my urine or blood I am going to be induced. NOT something I wanted to happen, but I know high BP is very dangerous. That being said he thinks I may just be dehydrated and wants me to stay inside and stay hydrated. They do not do routine cervical checks anymore so I have no clue if I am dilated at all. They said there is no need to check unless I'm not full term or if I go passed my DD. O and yippee I was positive for group B strep. IDK how you get that but they assured me it has nothing to do with hygiene. Has anyone had any problems with this for their baby at all? I am worried she will get it, even though they give antibiotics to prevent it.
After all that I had to go shopping after wards. The more I walked in the store, the lower and lower the baby felt. I went to the bathroom and had some bloody discharge. I do not think I am making it to m due date. The baby looks and feels SO low, feels like her shoulders are resting right on my pelvic bone. So that's my update, praying I don't have pre eclampsyia.
After all that I had to go shopping after wards. The more I walked in the store, the lower and lower the baby felt. I went to the bathroom and had some bloody discharge. I do not think I am making it to m due date. The baby looks and feels SO low, feels like her shoulders are resting right on my pelvic bone. So that's my update, praying I don't have pre eclampsyia.
MY WLS RECIPE BLOG! -- Check it out http://plusizedbarbie.blogspot.com/

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
I tested positive for GBS and it didn't affect me or Anberlin at all. They just got me hooked up to the antibiotics as soon as I got to the hospital. Personally I went in right when my contractions started for this reason but my contractions started at about 10 mins apart and I started bleeding so with all of that and the Xmas snow storm we were't going to risk it. I made sure to tell everyone that saw me that I was GBS+ also just to ensure everyone that needed to know knew.
Good Luck!!
Good Luck!!
I tested postive also and got antibiotics and everything was great!! No worries!! Sounds like you are getting close. Enjoy this last bit though because even though you can feel awful and want to meet your baby once they are out you miss them being in there
I know thats why I am trying again. I was so ready after all my shots and surgery and all while pregnant. Even with all of that though Hayvann was my best pregnancy! lol Keep us updated

Damayin 12-3-93
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11