An embarrassing ?
As far as the food thing goes, I am going through the same thing. I don't feel so great when I eat. I know the reason for me is because I am really constipated. My doc gave me the OK yesterday to do an enima to take care of the blockage and then told me to overload on fiber. I don't know if you're having the same issue, but I don't think you can do an enima since it can cause contractions (it didn't for me). I have heard that there are phases through pregnancy where you might just not feel like eating. I want to eat, I just don't want to feel sick afterward. I hope you can figureout what's wrong and feel better!
On a happy note: can you believe we're almost 6 months along? I feel like I just found out I am pregnant!
it's so funny because darn it I thought we WERE in our 6th month lol. I guess because i've had so many issues, it feels like i've been pregnant forever! I love how active she is getting, I bet yours is moving all over the place too huh? She allready seems to have a personality too, like, she dose NOT like it when I lay on my side, she will kick and kic****ill I move, then, if I switch to my other side, she will actually flip around and start kicking that side! Demanding allready! :) It makes sleep time pretty interesting. I think i've comandered ever pillow in the house so I can sleep on my back, in a sitting position. I cant remember if you are having a boy or a girl? How is your pregnancy so far?
Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!
Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!