9 wks - did you have cramping?

on 4/5/10 4:48 am
RNY on 08/16/05 with
I am 9 weeks today. And, as I've said before, this is my first (and last) pregnancy. I really  haven't had any cramping since about week 6. Is this normal? 

I thought the crampy feeling would go on for a while as the uterus grows.

Just wondering what your experiences were/are???


RNY 08/16/05
Weight day of surgery 222
Lost 100 pounds in about 10 months

Pre-pregnancy weight 126
Delivery day weight 166
Currently 118
Baby Gage born 11/02/10
on 4/5/10 5:12 am
The crampy feeling comes and goes for me. In fact, I always know when the baby has had or is about to have a growth spurt, because it starts up. There were times when it was so bad that every step hurt- not good when you work on your feet all day long. As long as it isn't menstrual type cramping, it can come and go and it's not a problem.

on 4/5/10 7:32 am
Just keep an eye on it and if they get too bad, call your doc. Since this is your first, you are probably going to be more prone to be a little more crampy cuz your uterus has never had to grow before. First pregnancies are almost always more painful. Subsequent pregnancies are a little better in the fact that your uterus has already stretched once, but if you have a long period of time between pregnancies (I'm talking 5+ years at the least) then sometimes that 2nd pregnancy has almost the same (re) stretching issues as the first. The time between my 1st and 2nd babies was 7 1/2 years so I definitely felt all the same stretching pains and cramps that I did with my 1st. But then, my 2nd was only 3 months old when we got pregnant with #3 so I was already good and stretched out by then. I'm on #5 now and don't have those pains or at least know what they are by now to not worry about every pain I get, but it's hard when you don't know what you're experiencing.

If your cramps are like period like cramps and they just don't go away, I would call your Dr. and mention it, but sadly, there's not much that they will do at this point. (they won't really do much until you are 20 weeks). The best advice I can give you is to take it very easy, drink at least 64oz. of water a day IN ADDITION to any other fluid you are drinking (although crystal light flavored water would count in this 64oz., but no other fluid like tea or coffee since it has caffeine and you need an additional cup of water for every cup of caffeinated beverage you consume a day), lay on your left side for at least 20-30 minutes 3 times a day if you can (and even longer if you can, taking a 5-10 minute break at least every 30 minutes to an hour), make sure you are eating a fiber rich diet in case any intestinal issues may be causing your cramping (but try to stay away from any gas producing food as this can cause issues with cramping as well), and do not lift anything heavy (I'd say any heavier than a full gallon of milk or heavier than 10 pounds) while you are cramping like this. You want to rule out any possible culprit at this point.

I'm not sure if you work, but if you don't, please rest as much as you can throughout the day. If you DO work, don't push yourself. If you have a private area where you can lay down for about 15 minutes a few times a day, do it. Take time each hour to just relax, close your eyes, put your head on your desk, go have a snack, even if it's just 5 minutes. Heck, just go to the bathroom for 10-15 minutes and just sit in there and close your eyes the whole time if you have to have an excuse to leave your work area. I used to do that when I was pregnant with my 2nd and 3rd. I'd even lay on the nurses cot when I wouldn't have kiddos in the clinic to fix boo boo's or give meds to! LOL There's was another teacher at the school that was pregnant with me and we were due at the same time and she'd come in there too to take a 10 minute rest a couple times a day. You just sometimes gotta do what you gotta do and to heck with what everyone you work with thinks. I mean, some women are superwomen when they're pregnant and have no problems and they just push through "no matter what". But la dee da and good for them. Some women don't have it so easy and we are the only ones that can take care of ourselves and the baby growing inside of us so I didn't care if my principal came in and saw me laying on the nurse's cot in between kids. I did it MAYBE twice a day.

Good luck and I hope the cramping goes away!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers          
      Mom to 5 cuties!!  Ages 15, 7, 6, 4 & a 3 month old sweety!
                       -250 Pounds since GBS!


on 4/5/10 8:19 am
RNY on 08/16/05 with
Thanks for all the advice.

Unfortunately, I do work full time (luckily a desk job), but I haven't told anyone that I'm pregnant. My husband and I decided to wait until at least the next dr appt which is Apr. 26th. So, it's kind of hard to take a break. And I've been so tired!! LOL  Men have no clue!!

thanks again!

RNY 08/16/05
Weight day of surgery 222
Lost 100 pounds in about 10 months

Pre-pregnancy weight 126
Delivery day weight 166
Currently 118
Baby Gage born 11/02/10
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